Changes to Webkinz Newz

You may have noticed some changes in Webkinz Newz recently. These changes have been part of our effort to streamline all of our services, such as moving Webkinz World and Webkinz Newz to the Cloud. Steps like these prevent outages and improve performance, ensuring that the sites stay up no matter what. We are currently working towards bringing GanzWorld back to its roots, focusing on Webkinz Newz, Events and Contests.


One of the recent changes was the removal of the GanzWorld Arcade, a secondary Flash-based game site that generated GanzWorld Reward Moneyz. Most of these games were third-party with no support, and our efforts must be focused on preparing Webkinz World for the future.


We will soon be retiring GanzWorld Rewards, as well. When the exact date is known, we will make a follow-up announcement. We recommend spending your Moneyz at this time.


We thank you for your patience during this process.

252 Responses to Changes to Webkinz Newz

  1. M0nkeeGirlz says:

    D: It’s a shame that GanzWorld rewards is retiring, I always was very fond of it… there’s no plans to get rid of Peek-A-Newz or monthly events, though, is there?

  2. _6pea says:

    Why are we losing all these cool features? First Amazing World was taken away and now this is happening. I’m beginning to think that Webkinz is in trouble and they will be shutting it all down soon too :(

  3. pcub822 says:

    I’m sad to see this part of WKN be retired. I always seem to find really cool items on here and I’ll miss it.

  4. StephanieB says:

    Wow, I was just spending Moneyz! when I saw this notice. I’ll miss the prizes, but you’ll come up with something better.

  5. pinkiecupcake says:

    Before you retire GanzWorld Rewards, would you consider bringing back all of the prizes so that we can get any that we missed/may still want?

  6. moonkey1115 says:

    All the downsizing scares me. :( Please hang in there Webkinz. I hope all these changes are enabling them to keep Webkinz up and running for years to come. I dread the day I open Webkinz Newz to see that Webkinz is shutting down…

  7. RubyCubes says:

    Thank you for the info! Could you put some good items in Rewards store for us to spend our Moneyz on?

  8. Matoaca113 says:

    Why retire GanzWorld Rewards? I love getting those prizes! When you retire the GanzWorld Rewards, can you please notify us in advance? Also, can you please make all GanzWorld Rewards prizes available before it retires? There were some prizes from the past that I wasn’t able to get.

  9. ninjagozane says:

    Does this mean Ganzworld is just going to be about Webkinz? Is this the same for Ganz too?

  10. animalsmatter1 says:

    Actually, I didn’t even notice any changes to Webkinz Newz! It’s always so informative and entertaining. But thank you, Ganz and WW for posting this message, and keeping us fans in the loop. You folks do a fantastic job providing us with an amazing game.

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