Check Out The 2nd Set of Toadstool Concept Drawings!


You voted that the Toadstool theme should be the next room theme to be released in Webkinz World. We’ve already showed you the first 4, and now here’s a look at 3 more concept drawings for furniture to be included in the theme:


Hailey:  “I love how vibrant the colors on this dresser look!”


Elwin: “And all of tiny flowers and mushrooms growing out of the top! It just feels so magical!”



Hailey: “Now THAT is one sturdy-looking wardrobe!”


Elwin: “You said it! What a wonderful combination of stone and wood! This wardrobe looks like it would keep your outfits safely tucked away!”



Hailey: “This dining table is delightful! I especially like the colorful floral centerpiece!”


Elwin: “It almost feels like a little doorway to a hidden world! This is great!”



What do you think of these items? What would you change about them? Do you have any name suggestions for them? Let us know in the comments below!


137 Responses to Check Out The 2nd Set of Toadstool Concept Drawings!

  1. stardogchampion says:

    I think the dresser and table should be called the Shroomin’ Bloomin’ Table/Dresser and the wardrobe should be called the Shroomin’ Bloomin’ Stonepile Wardrobe.

  2. agentspygirl says:

    so pretty

  3. chickenlittleROX says:

    I hope the storage units hold more than a few items.

  4. sophi400 says:

    Terrific Toadstool Table?? Maybe not the best idea, but that’s all I got at the moment ;-)

  5. sophi400 says:

    Beautiful!! I agree, I don’t like the goo but if it looked more like moss, that would be nice. Very nicely done!

  6. rainbowsparkle says:

    I love what I’ve seen so far! Does anyone know if this is e store, or deluxe/all?

  7. animelover7644 says:

    how about for the dresser the hollow Mushroom dresser, for the wardrobe the Magical Wood Wardrobe, and for the table the Growing Table. Hope you like my ideas and get inspiration from them!

  8. emeraldfairy602 says:

    I agree with Serena100. I think the wardrobe should hold 16 items and the dresser should hold 6.

  9. Becky71W says:

    Don’t worry Ganz not all of us have something negative to say. I think everything is GREAT just the way it is. Even though this isn’t the theme I voted for. I love it and don’t change a thing!!!

  10. battakh says:

    I kind of wished the toadstool theme hadn’t won. I wanted the clothing room theme.

    • playnowpuppy says:

      yeah me too but for everyone who didn’t want the toadstool theme to win please try to be nice and good sports about it I’m sure kinz will make the other themes like the clothing theme some day too☺☻♥♦♣♠•◘○

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