Curio Shop Theme Showcase: Green Leaf!


Arte’s Curio Shop has some amazing things, including many themes that are only stocked on his shelves! His stock changes every hour, so you’ll have to check back often to see what he has to offer! Items marked with the “Arte’s Favorites” logo are exclusive to the Curio Shop!



The Green Leaf theme was first introduced at the WShop in 2010. Then in 2015, the theme was retired to the Curio Shop. If you ever see any of these gorgeous green pieces when visiting Arte, make sure you rake them up right away! If you’re looking for the Clean and Green Fireplace, you might just find one inside a Ganz eStore Mystery Box!





Put all of the pieces of this theme together and you’ll have one awesome environmentally-friendly-looking room!





Deluxe Members also have access to a second set of Curio Shop items updated hourly, so they have TWICE the chance of finding amazing items! Learn more about Deluxe Membership here.



Have YOU been collected any of the items from lovely leafy room theme? Let us know in the comments below!


58 Responses to Curio Shop Theme Showcase: Green Leaf!

  1. perfect29_backup says:

    I can’t believe I never noticed this was retired… well to be fair i never realized the name of it but i have some of the furniture.

  2. DJFox says:

    Wow, I like this theme. But my room has purple walls, haha.

  3. lemony says:

    Love this theme…..will we be seeing a new curio shoppe only theme soon

  4. tink1706 says:

    Ther is an older theme I wish was back for my frogs . It had dragon fly chairs and tables . Walls were the tall reeds in a pond . I sure wish they were back. I missed on getting them all. I have gotten cattails for use in my outdoor rooms .

  5. megamom12 says:

    I have at least 2 of these rooms. They are so beautiful. I do not however have the fireplace and seeing as it is an e-store item it won’t be in the Curio shop. I did check and see if I could still get the fireplace in the e-store but I didn’t have any luck with that.

    • Ruhrohraggy says:

      The fireplace was on sale in the estore the first week of February. Luckily I saw it and picked it up. That’s what drives me bananas about the estore. I have a list of pets and items I’m waiting for to randomly appear in estore. Why can’t they just carry more stuff in their “inventory” on a daily basis? I’m willing to give them my money, why do they have to make stuff so limited? It doesn’t make it more collectible in my mind, especially when it’s stuff you can’t trade or sell or send in kinzpost.

  6. silentsun says:

    why on earth would the wallpaper be blue when everything else is such a nice green? White wallpaper with the leaf design in green would have been pretty. it seems theres always one color in every theme that is one-off or doesn’t quite match or tries to be so different that it really doesnt look nice or blend well

    • MWolfL says:

      I think the blue color was supposed to prevent the furniture from ‘disappearing’ into the wall. But I see what you mean about it not blending in well…it might’ve been better if they went with cloud or tree shapes on the wallpaper.

  7. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    It’s a Japanese theme! Please do Canadian stuff, soon!

  8. MONKEYSMILE05 says:

    richtay you are newer . I am sending a few items from my sis that are deluxe to buy. NO NEED to send anything back others have helped me. ;) I so hope you read this.

  9. beaubo says:

    Lucky, I have this themes didn’t ever realize it was retired.

  10. BestMom says:

    I have this theme from before it expired and went to the Curio shop. Have always loved it!

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