Dex Dangerous Runs For Mayor Of Kinzville!


Hello Webkinz Newz readers, Ella McWoof here with a special Webkinz Votes 2016 report! Dex Dangerous famously ran for mayor during our first election back in 2014. He lost to mayor Cowabelle but has decided to run again. Dex has released his campaign speech today which you can read below…



“Dear loyal fans and citizens of Kinzville… I’m back! That’s right, many of you thought I couldn’t win the mayoral race the first time around… and you were right. However, I’m ready for my starring role as your new mayor of Kinzville! I mean, who is more qualified to lead this great town than yours truly?


Don’t get me wrong, I thought mayor Cowabelle did an excellent job in her role, but now it’s time to keep the adventure going by electing me, Dex Dangerous, as mayor of Kinzville! I have proven to be a great leader, hero and overall handsome guy. Yes, these have been roles I’ve played in the movies, but I’m pretty sure I could play the part in real life too. Plus, my schedule has really cleared up lately. I’ve only had like, 2 auditions in the past year! Okay, I’ve only had one audition in the past year. Okay fine. As your favorite new mayoral candidate I’ll be honest… I haven’t had an audition in over a year but, I’m hopeful that the phone is going to start ringing pretty soon!


In any case, if I become mayor I will send everyone on 2 great adventures in the Adventure Park next year! I’ll even let you, the great citizens of Kinzville, pick the adventures together. This is going to be great, and if you elect me, I will be the greatest mayor Kinzville has ever seen! Trust me, I’m on T.V.”


From November 9 – 15, visit Dex Dangerous in the Kinzville Park and click on him to receive one of 3 campaign prizes: the Dex Dangerous Campaign Sign, Cap and Plushy (limited to 1 prize per day, per account).


***THIS EVENT IS AD SUPPORTED. Your ads must be turned on to participate in this event.



Don’t forget to vote for your favorite mayoral candidate right here on Webkinz Newz on November 30th. Every vote counts! What do you think of Dex Dangerous’ campaign promises? Will you be voting for him on November 30th? Please leave your comments below…



This has been Ella McWoof reporting for Webkinz Newz.


Check out the platforms for the other candidates: Dr. QuackAmanda Panda and Salley Cat!

191 Responses to Dex Dangerous Runs For Mayor Of Kinzville!

  1. Davids1lilpixie says:

    Lol reminds me far too much another candidate who just got elected…. no thanks Dex

  2. AtomicActivity says:

    I’m with oudoll2 on this one… Dr. Quack! I might vote for Dex, if he wasn’t so full of himself. Lol

  3. AtomicActivity says:

    I’ve always been a big fan of Dex Dangerous…the lunar lugbots game was always my favorite in the arcade…however, I do not believe he is qualified. He may be an actor, but he doesn’t sound like another Ronald Reagan to me. lol

  4. cvasko says:

    sorry but this guy is soworried about himself..I’d rather vote for myself than him.

  5. oudoll2 says:

    Dr. Quack all the way !! Vote for Quack so he can come back!! :)

  6. Inkblot says:

    Well! Dex, are these going to be new adventures, or ones we already have? And will my stuck daily quest be fixed too?

  7. wintercrush says:

    Anyone else having problems with the wheel of deluxe??? Which candidate will fix the glitches????

  8. sef62 says:

    Adventure park has been broken for a lot of us. The crystal we were suppose to dig up is in the room with Boris, on the floor of the cave. Needs fixed Dex before anymore adventures.

  9. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    Uh! Does anypony else think that the Dex Plushy Thingy is creepy? I really think Sally Cat wouldbe a great mayor this year.

  10. d3999 says:

    I only got plushies. :/

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