Emerald Ski Jacket: Secret Clothing Recipe Revealed!


Looking to dress your pet in something slick this Webkinz Day? Well now you can when you create the previously unsolved Emerald Ski Jacket in the Clothing Machine!


Just click on the Clothing Machine button in the KinzStyle Outlet (available only on the web and desktop app) and use the following 3 clothing items to create this lovely lime leather jacket!





Want to know MORE Secret Recipes? Check out our Secret Recipe ArchiveĀ here!


Which clothing recipe combinations are YOUR favorites to make? Let us know in the comments below!


49 Responses to Emerald Ski Jacket: Secret Clothing Recipe Revealed!

  1. Voloras says:

    Wow, I would have never guessed that one! None of the ingredients even remotely suggest green or a jacket!

  2. gingerdare says:

    I was not expecting that.

  3. ckimhappy says:

    Is it just on my account or is anyone else’s Fireworks Wall Panel 5 blinking fully red and stays like that for a long time. I tried logging out and in with and without it in my inventory but did does not change/stop.

    • Alphaowlbear says:

      I just opened the 5 capsules this morning to make the fireworks wall and mine worked just fine. What browser are you using or are you using the desktop app? I was using the mobile app on my IPad.

      • Sally Webkinz says:

        There is currently an issue with the panel on one wall. It works fine on the other. This should be fixed with the next maintenance.

        • Beckinz8 says:

          Sally Webkinz, I picture you running back and forth flipping switches like the “Great and Powerful Oz” as you try to keep addressing all of the issues and keep things running smoothly in WW! ;-) Thank you for being on top of things and for keeping us informed!

  4. 1miruna says:

    awesome. thanks for everything. love webkinz always

  5. dwtsfan says:

    great jacket

  6. okira says:

    Those are some seriously random ingredients, no wonder it’s gone unsolved!

  7. Acrittenden says:

    I never would’ve figured this out…

  8. KarenaJ says:

    I would have NEVER figured this one out on my own. I would have assumed something green would go in there!

  9. snuggles565 says:

    i thought this was solved

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