Fan Mail with Fiona


Hello my dears! Let’s answer some more of your questions, shall we? And for my past answers, click here!


Fiona, what was the first ever pet Webkinz? I know that there were 8 pets that were first but was there actually a first pet that GANZ came up with?


– rebeccakadlec


Hi Rebecca! You’re right, I did answer this earlier, but to answer your specific question: there was actually no “first” pet, even among those 8. They were released as a group and I’m told no one can recall which pet was created first! That’s kinda nice, don’t you think?



My pet is sick. With Dr. Quack gone, how am I supposed to get medicine for my pet?




Our old friend Dr. Quack has now entered retirement, free to pursue his hobbies and enjoy Kinzville without a full time job. My best wishes to the kind doctor! Now, if your pet is feeling a little down, you can give them a little exercise, feed them some food and give them a bath and they’ll be back to normal in no time!



Please, could you answer Fiona? I have many small rooms that are useless and are taking up space on my map. Is the Ganz team going to make a room delete button to allow us to get rid of rooms we no longer need?


– monster_high


Hello there! This is a question we get quite often. While we don’t have this functionality yet, we know you want it and we want to tell you to stay tuned.


Want to write to Webkinz? Send your letters to:


60 Industrial Parkway
Cheektowaga, NY




90 Responses to Fan Mail with Fiona

  1. Bubblilious1 says:

    First of all, thank you Fiona for answering our mail. I love the topics you post. An idea came to mind about the small rooms, maybe eliminating small rooms to purchase and small rooms upgraded to medium. Also sometimes things get stuck in rooms (off to the side of the room) when I have too much stuff in my dock. If I empty my dock, even putting lots things in a storage room, I have found it eventually corrects itself. Also, I only use the door the pet enters in.

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