Find the exclusive pet ads!


There is a special new pet coming to Webkinz World, just in time for Webkinz Day! The beautiful Spring Shepherd will be available for three days only – April 20 to 22. To get ready for this exclusive sale, we are hiding some adorable Spring Shepherd jammies around Webkinz World, so you can dream sweet dreams of this adorable new pet!


PLEASE NOTE: Make sure you have your ad blocker turned off in order to see the ads.


On Friday, April 13, look around for the ad with the cozy new Spring Shepherd Onesie:


On Saturday, April 14, look for the ad with the adorable new Spring Shepherd Toque:



And on Sunday, April 15, look for the ad with the sweet new Spring Shepherd slippers:



Good luck in your search, and remember to look for the Spring Shepherd at Ganz eStore – available ONLY from April 20 – 22!


43 Responses to Find the exclusive pet ads!

  1. Grumpylas says:

    This is the cutest thing ever!!! Thank you!! <3

  2. KrazyKitty03 says:

    Aww so cute! Thank you Ganz you are so Awesome!

  3. AUNT09 says:

    They are lovely ! My pet will be so cozy and warm. Thank You Ganz

  4. dune456 says:

    Too Cute! Thanks!

  5. BH1464 says:

    I hope I’m able to find all three pieces of the Spring Shepherd outfit! They are so cute! I probably won’t be able to afford the pet, so thanks ganz for the chance to win this cute outfit!

  6. sambear says:

    I really hope that I can find the ads this time! The last time the “find the ads”, (for the green furniture) was on I only found the first 2 ads then nothing, even after we was suppose to be able to find all the ads on the one day, there was still no ads. It was not for a lack of trying I spent hours on the computer each day looking and eventually had to give up.

  7. Alphaowlbear says:

    Thank you for the new prizes! The new Spring Shepherd outfit is absolutely adorable, especially the slippers and toque.

  8. Madelynnsh says:

    These prizes look absolutely amazing Ganz!!! Not to look too much on the bad side, but I hope the ads actually appear this time. I’d be a shame to miss these pretties!

  9. ImaPepper says:

    So cute–I really hope this works, I love these prizes!

  10. Bubblilious1 says:

    These are so adorable. Thank you so much for them.

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