Ganz Fanz: Art Showcase 3!


Check out these awesome illustrations sent in by talented Ganz fans!


Meet the Hawaiian Puppy, a cool idea sent in by Ava from Minnesota!



And what about this adorable Signature Frog, sent in by Sammiekinz1218?



This imaginative Salt and Pepper Pig is so creative, we had to share! Thanks to SweetsyG for sending it to us.


If you want to send in your favorite Webkinz drawings (and maybe get them posted on the Webkinz Newz front page!), please share them in the Share Center (under “Fan Art”) at the Ganz Parent Club or snail mail them to:


60 Industrial Parkway

Cheektowaga, New York


39 Responses to Ganz Fanz: Art Showcase 3!

  1. speedymice5 says:

    CUTE! Love the sig. frog. They should make more sig.’s :) :) :)

  2. meg2000 says:

    it seems cool ill have to try it and the pics are realy cute

  3. rileykitty03 says:

    So cute!

  4. alexe998 says:

    Nice drawings. Cool

  5. 4444polarbears says:

    aww, these are adorable! ^-^ i think my favorite is the signature frog one :)

  6. JesusismyLord830 says:

    Wow, good job! Can anyone give me specific instructions or a link on where to send in a picture from? I would like to suggest a couple of webkinz ideas as well,: a rockerz googles (a plum purple googles with a rainbow or magentamohawk going across the whole body (so it wouldn’t be too similar to the caandy googles) also, an octopus, (plush preferably) , and some kind of new sloth like a love sloth, or a rockerz sloth, or signature sloth , and finally, a love giraffe, with a red um mane or whatever it’s called, a white body, and red and pink dots and/or hearts on it, thanks for looking at these ideas, and mySaviorisJesus, wonderful name!

  7. TinaKitty24 says:

    Cute ideas. :)

  8. Homerkittyganz says:

    Funny. Webkinz should have a Rockerz Hyena… I may send in an drawing.

  9. littledancer says:

    Wow this is so cool I wish that I could draw like that! (P.S. it’s my birthday!)

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