Garden Party in the Clubhouse!


Holly had so much fun handing out Rainbow Frosting in the park, but a community coordinator’s work is never done – especially with Webkinz Day coming up! That’s why Holly is planning two garden parties to celebrate Webkinz Day – one in Webkinz Classic and one in Webkinz Next!




Visit the Garden Party room in Webkinz Classic every day from April 18 until Webkinz Day on April 29. Click on Holly to receive a Superfan Giftbox, then drag the giftbox into your pet’s room to have a random Webkinz Superfan item added to your Dock!



And be sure and visit Webkinz Next, where Holly is busy planning a garden party with a new Webkinz Day challenge!



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53 Responses to Garden Party in the Clubhouse!

  1. ladycayte says:

    This really bothers me! The bottom three (fridge, hot tub, stove) are from eStore 2013 Summer Mystery Bag – something people paid real money to purchase points to get, and here they are being given out FOR FREE?!?! The trade value of these is now completely destroyed, and besides – what is the point of BUYING things if they’re going to later be given out FREE?

    • percaroma says:

      ladycayte, sorry you feel this way. But remember not everyone will get the rare items since the prizes are random. Also, there are a lot of players who might be taking a break (which I’ve done in the past) so they won’t even have the option to get even the chance to win something special. Finally, considering there are many players who have difficulty maintaining membership let alone have monies to buy items in eStore – for them this is a huge since they never imagined to receive such wonderful gifts for being Superfans.

      • ladycayte says:

        Well, that is exactly the point… It IS expensive to buy memberships and eStore things – or is my money not as important to me as yours is to you? I’m a Superfan, too – enough of one that I did spend my hard-earned money to buy eStore items! And when people do spend real money to buy “Deluxe” or eStore items, it should mean it IS something special, and NOT something given away for free. People can always trade for things they want if they miss them while on a break…

    • glamor759 says:

      Not everyone had the chance to get them in 2013 for eStore points/money (me because I just started playing again) so I’m very HAPPY that they’re allowing us the chance to get some really nice rare items.

      • ladycayte says:

        Welcome back to playing! :) So imagine that you plonk down your money now at the eStore to buy some points to get the 2022 Spring Mystery bags, and yay!, you get some great things… Now imagine 8 years from now and you’ve saved those things, and use them to trade to get other great things… And now imagine that Ganz gives away those exact same things you spent money on – for free.

        • glamor759 says:

          I honestly still don’t care and don’t see what the big deal is. I spend lots of money on Webkinz now and I’m happy that people get the chance to get stuff for free since this game is unusually expensive if you don’t have a reliable source of income. I prefer that they allow people to buy stuff AND to give away nice items for free. It shouldn’t have to be an either or.

          • ladycayte says:

            I guess my money is more important to me – I don’t see the point in spending it on things that are for free. And I can’t help feeling a little bamboozled by Ganz, that they charged me for the exact same thing they are giving out for free.

    • Alexandrite_Ledger says:

      OHH, they are? Wow, I didn’t notice that. Yeah, I can see why you’re angry. I would be too if some of my rare items came out for free, like the lava lamps or WZ jeans. But I also agree with glamor759 since we’re able to get then again, but I see your point.

  2. Demongirl10 says:

    Just like pretty much everyone else; I’ve never seen the three rare items or the last uncommon bed, so I hope I can get a least one of those four items! :)

  3. Strawberrykinz72 says:

    This is so nice! I hope I get the uncommon and rare items too!

  4. cvd1934 says:

    Wow, thought I had all the items, oops! Hope 2 get the “unknown items” like a bunch of our webbie friends have stated. Off topic, but is it just me, I have been getting Ebony items(the bed & coffee table) in my peek-a-news gifts! Cool surprise, thanks 4 the glitch :)

  5. AL96 says:

    I have never seen the rare prizes on this list and I am excited about possibly winning them!

  6. orabun says:

    So excited since I wasn’t playing when this was a theme! Thank you, Holly!

  7. sosotto says:

    @Frozenanna2, Hey anna! How have u been doin? Hope you had an amazing Easter with you family & friends!! Much love, sosotto♥

  8. bonesbongo says:

    Thank you for the opportunity to get the Webkinz Day Superfan items. I have two accounts that don’t have any of the items. I am hoping to get the 2nd Bed for the Uncommon and three Rare items I have never seen these, are they NEW items? ;}

    • lilmarie2013 says:

      @bones bongo no they aren’t new but they were estore items. Sadly the bed is not kinz postable (I got it on the first box I opened) but the three rare items can be kinzposted ( I got the hot tub and sent it to my main account). Good luck in getting the pieces you need, but you know where to find me if you don’t. :)

  9. kaye10 says:

    anyone please tell me if i am crazy–the bed in Uncommon: don’t think i have it–do you? thanks & best, k.

  10. frankie98 says:

    Thank you for this:) I have never seen the bottom three prizes(Rare) or the bed in the uncommon section on the end? Have these items always been part of this theme? Looking forward to adding to my collection of missing pieces!

    • _xPho3nyxblade318x_ says:

      Oh same here! I can’t wait to get them! I made a Superfan room back in 2016.

    • crystalfawns53 says:

      I decided to look it up and the prizes in the rare section are prizes that are potential rewards from the 2013 Summer Super Mystery Bag. I hope this helps and I hope that everyone here is able to get something from the rare section of this giftbox!

    • Alphaowlbear says:

      Hi Frankie! I’ve been doing a little research – the Bed with the purple blanket is an Estore item. The hot tub, fridge and stove are from the 2013 super mystery bags. I won the fridge years ago when WW gave out a ton of prizes during its 10th year anniversary. I don’t think it can be kinzposted because it’s on a secondary account – I will check again about that. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to try and win these rare items – best of luck to you :-D alphacat

      • frankie98 says:

        Thank you alphacat and crystalfawns for the valuable information:) This is very exciting for everyone for a chance to get new items! I hope they are kinzspostable just in case I get lucky enough and have extra to share, fingers crossed and toes too LOL!

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