Hailey and Elwin Need YOUR Help!

You have designed a dog and named a baby dragon and now we need YOUR help to decide what room theme we should release next! Hailey and Elwin have come up with 5 ideas and want you to pick the one you want to see added to the WShop.


You can vote for your favorite room theme from June 13th – 15th. Once we announce the winner, keep visiting Webkinz Newz. We’ll be showing off concept drawings as the theme is being created allowing YOU to leave feedback and offer ideas as to what we should name each item.


We have made a concept drawing for each theme. Keep the concept drawings in mind when you vote as the drawing will be used as inspiration for the rest of the items that will be included in the theme.


Remember, only one will be turned into an actual Webkinz room theme and it’s up to YOU to decide which one:



Hailey: “The Sweets & Treats room theme would be a redesign of the original. Candy patterns would be featured on the fabric of each item”




Elwin: “This theme should have a modern feel and feature colorful plaid patterns on each piece of furniture.”






Hailey: “I’ve always wanted to design my own clothing store and now I finally could if this theme is chosen as the winner!”




Elwin: “This theme would be inspired by toadstools, moss and elements of nature. What an enchanting idea!”




Hailey: “This would be a bright, light room theme inspired by lemon drops, sugar and sunshine!”



What theme do you want to win? Do you have ideas for furniture for these themes? How would you change the concept drawings to make them even better? Leave your comments below and remember, voting starts on June 13th!


**UPDATE (June 5, 12:00PM): Please note that this is a W Shop theme and you will be able to buy items from this theme with KinzCash.**



1,020 Responses to Hailey and Elwin Need YOUR Help!

  1. webkinzrockz131 says:

    Lemon drop theam BUT…… you must promise NO Deluxe Member items. Deal?

    • gfarm says:

      I have to agree with webkinzrockz131, because GANZ, if you are going to make all the pieces Deluxe, or even some, it is entirely unfair to those of us who voted, just to be unable to buy all the pieces in that specific theme. Thank you! :)

  2. swsaf says:

    i like the lemon drop chair. you could make a candy themed room, with a peppermint table and a chocolate bar TV and a bubble gum clock. the floor would be light blue/mint and the walls would be pink bordered by blue/mint and pieces or candy

    • swsaf says:

      I also like the toadstool. its a play on words: toad STOOL. haha. anyways, it would be nice in an enchanted forest type room, a tv that has fairy wings an the walls would have wallpaper with trees and sparkles and stuff. it would look great in a unicorns room

  3. PinkyChagi says:

    I really love the Toadstool Room Theme, I’m sure it would look really cool with all of the items together!!!

  4. designergirl101 says:

    Please, clothing store! Please GANZ!

  5. darlingdtp says:

    I love the toadstool and lemon drop

  6. leah7bear says:

    i don’t like toadstools but i think i would go great with my lil’ kinz unicorns bed. so i think i would want the toadstool one.

  7. TweeDL says:

    toadstool — btw, i tried to post one – one – comment and got the message that i’m posting too quickly. meanwhile, playnowpuppy has posted . . . SEVENTEEN, yes, seventeen!!! comments just on the first page of this thing. um . . . how does that posting too fast thing work? i think it needs an upgrade. :?

  8. greenteamochi2014 says:

    Defenitly toadstool. but, if not that, lemondrop

  9. Exora says:

    i prefer the plaid room theme and hope you’ll mix that pink plaid fabric with some inner city industrial-looking stuff. maybe the wallpaper would be an old factory brick wall on one side with huge old industrial windows on the other wall where some of the panes of glass would be opaque or blue or even broken or covered with plywood and the clear ones would look out on an old overgrown industrial street. maybe there would be weeds and another old factory across the road? and maybe there would be gears and corrugated metal and rusted pipes in the other furnishings? and then it could contrast with the pink plaid and shiny chrome and maybe a glass-topped table . . . . before i got to be so sickly, i used to be a designer and i miss it. sigh. love to all! ;) :D

  10. peachycupcake says:

    I want the clothing store room theme.

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