Help the Hippo Crack the Recipes!

There’s good news and bad news. The Mermazing Hippo was able to dive down and find the recipes, but they were so water-damaged the hippo couldn’t read them!


Now Sophie and the hippo are in a race against time to solve the recipes and get them to the W Shop so they can be added to the Adventure Scout Cookbook with the next Webkinz Classic update!


Sophie and the hippo have headed over to the Adventure Scout Camp Kitchen where the scouts originally developed the new recipes. The hippo knows that each recipe contains Adventure Scout Trail Mix, but what else? The ingredients must still be in the kitchen, right?


Visit the kitchen below right here on Webkinz Newz every day from January 14 to 19 to figure out the other ingredients in the three recipes. There are clues all around the kitchen. Click on the image every day to have one of the ingredients added to your account! Good luck! We need to solve these recipes!


40 Responses to Help the Hippo Crack the Recipes!

  1. elmer3 says:

    I have only three indredients Hot chocolate, waffle and pickleberry can someone tell me what the other one is please?

  2. GabbieDaoust says:

    I missed 14th and 15th, does anyone know what they were?

  3. WEBKINZFAN999 says:

    if anyone has an extra from yesterday can you please send it to me? User:Benkoala

  4. nanamama12 says:


  5. megamom12 says:

    I see what you did there! Promoting a new item that we will be able to get! Oh, by the way….Yes, I Like Waffles!

  6. elmer3 says:

    I missed the ingredient on14th and 15th can anyone help me?

  7. WEBKINZFAN999 says:

    i missed yesterday :( what was it?

  8. adem123 says:

    Thank you for helping with the free ingredients :)

  9. allex123 says:

    Thank you for the free ingredients! I’m so excited to make the new recipes

  10. Aye_Breezy1 says:

    Sweet, thank you!

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