Holland Lop Bunny Retires!

ATTENTION ALL HOLLAND LOP BUNNY OWNERS: Your pet is being retired! That means it’s sold out and no more will EVER be made! Owners of this adorable pet can hop on over to Today’s Activities THIS WEEKEND to count sailboats on Saturday and pick up a FREE Festive Sweater on Sunday! Stay tuned for more pets retiring soon… and congratulations… your Webkinz is now a collectors’ item!


63 Responses to Holland Lop Bunny Retires!

  1. 1rileydevyn says:

    They just keep retiring!

  2. matthewreno says:

    A so cute bunny!

  3. r5tjgas says:

    Awww now my Holland lop bunny will never have a friend. Btw the plush version is adorable!

  4. tikifer18 says:

    do the cream soda pupnext its so cute but has came out a long time ago

  5. abcdefg says:

    somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed. [meow!]

  6. pavarotti24 says:

    guys dont freek because ganz will be making new pets and by the way i got this pet for $1.99 on ebay so look there i also saw some in a bookstore for $29.99 so look on ebay or amazon they have really good deals for webkinz and all kinds of webkinz animals or just go to the ganz estore for webkinz you can buy it there.But i agree with all you guys ganz should stop doing this i hate it. I have allmost all the pets they have been retiring but i am not really in to webkinz because i have a real puppy at my house but i still love webkinz i also saw a webkinz for $1.99 at a card store.Best of luck in finding a retired webkinz and merry christmas happy new year best of luck bye i hope i helped add me on webkinz pavarotti24

  7. theprincessmommy says:

    Why would someone click on an ad for a retiring Webkinz if they don’t care about retiring Webkinz? I’d probably be angry if I wasted my time like that too. Only, I don’t think I’d direct my anger at some company retiring a rabbit plush doll! lol

  8. kdcbaylor says:

    I had a retired pet, the one and only Beagle! I forgot to sign it in the first day i got it, then i remembered. I logged in, and typed in the code, but it said “pet is retired!” What a waste of money :( , I cried so hard that night, please Ganz, can you give back my beagle!

    • madylady says:

      I have a retired pink and white dog and I put the code in when it WAS retired and it worked fine . It might have just been the system. Perhaps you could try the code again and it might work. I hope this helps and have a Merry Christmas kdcbaylor and everyone else reading this.

      • onesmarty says:

        I have a Misty Puppy in the closet and is for last minute gifts, cuz me ,my little brother, and cousins play webkinz and i am aloud to use it if i want and when i try to adopt it i will tell you what happens

    • pikaflu says:

      That’s sad. :(

  9. bawsome123 says:

    I agree with Hamsterlmk n Snow5446!THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. thechocolatezorua says:

    Dear AlwaysBored. I know you hate the idea of retiring pets, but think about it. They retired a fox, AND MADE ANOTHER ONE. They retired a dog, AND MADE ANOTHER ONE. They retired a cat, well, you get it.

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