Holland Lop Bunny Retires!

ATTENTION ALL HOLLAND LOP BUNNY OWNERS: Your pet is being retired! That means it’s sold out and no more will EVER be made! Owners of this adorable pet can hop on over to Today’s Activities THIS WEEKEND to count sailboats on Saturday and pick up a FREE Festive Sweater on Sunday! Stay tuned for more pets retiring soon… and congratulations… your Webkinz is now a collectors’ item!


63 Responses to Holland Lop Bunny Retires!

  1. Tamy says:

    i dont mind it dont matter to me some times lol

  2. salteyseafish says:

    to bad i really wanted that bunny:{

  3. 13grammysgirl2 says:

    I have a cat and if I leave my webkinz on my bed she will take them and them so that’s why I don’t want my to retirer because she will rip them up and then I cant get new ones :(.

  4. robinstripes says:


  5. marshmallowwebkinz says:

    they retire them because they are making new ones. Note to people who want this rabbit: HAVE YOU TRIED AMAZON??

  6. sam6686 says:

    They just retire them after a couple of years, seems legit.

  7. K98cw9xa says:

    I actually i agree with AlwaysBored,Who knows, they might retire a pet every week for the next 4 years. I just hope they dont retire the old Webkinz and the New webkinz people are getting.

  8. Webkinz_Love122 says:

    OH NO!!! I’VE WANTED THE HOLLAND LOP BUNNY FOR SO LONG! The Holland Lop Bunny is my favorite type of bunny next to Albino bunnies. Those are adorable. But seriously, why this? Why are you retiring so many pets? So you can make for THEMED PUPS? I don’t like the theme puppies. Just not my favorite. I’m going to miss this bunny so uch, I’m so upset that I never got to see one. They were never at the stores I went to. I am very sad now.. :(

    • marshmallowwebkinz says:

      try ordering it online. not all of them get so expensive after retiring. btw, I LOVE the themed pups. they are awesome.i think i have seven of them. note to ganz: dont stop making printed puppies! they’re awesome and soooo cute!! I <3 the donut pup!!

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