Let’s Draw: A Webkinz Cat!

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Welcome to Let’s Draw, a NEW video series here on Webkinz Newz! In this episode, Webkinz’s Lead Artist, Maurizio, shows you how to draw a Webkinz cat. Want to learn how? Grab a paper,  pencil and marker and draw along with him!




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117 Responses to Let’s Draw: A Webkinz Cat!

  1. cutiegirl9113 says:

    Art runs in my family and i don’t really watch stuff like this a lot but i got nothing better to do. But i did do it on the draw it computer i still need to learn to do it better. I manly draw on paper but i don’t have any at the moment. I hope he can do a horse i really want to learn that so i can learn on the computer and print it off for my friend. I have tow cats a fish and i a long time ago had a dog. (i also had a lot of other pets to.)OOH maybe he will do a guinea pig! i really like them! (I hope i spelled that right.)

  2. name45 says:

    I love lets draw

  3. Rnw9kinz says:

    do a horse

  4. rlabson says:

    Can you do anything like any retired pets or the pet of the month?

  5. AZMurrays says:

    I got a good one, how about a Webkinz snake! it would look interesting.

  6. gledenchild says:

    i love the new let’s draw and can’t wait for more let’s draw aniamls

  7. ilovewebkinz708 says:

    This was very fun Maurizio and I have a suggestionb 4 the next thing you can draw. How about a Webkinz Rabbit? Thank you

  8. kittenlove420 says:

    i wish he would draw the american cocker spaniel or a fox like Gennelle Webkinz

  9. Mascoutah says:

    Hey Maurizio, There is a cat who I watch sometimes who plays fetch. His name is Oliver. He is more likely to play fetch than a dog I know.

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