Look For 6 New Prizes At Jumbleberry Fields!


The next time you head to Jumbleberry Fields, look for 6 new prizes that have been added to the game! The Jumbleberry Fields Bathrobe, Pet Buddy Barn, Berry Farm Picnic Table, Berry Farm Picnic Bench, Berry Farm Cash Register and the Berry Farm Teeter Totter are now available at Jumbleberry Fields:



Play Jumbleberry Fields at the Games Arcade on the Webkinz Classic Desktop App. At the end of each game, you’ll be awarded berries that you can feed to your pet or use to fill up your Jars of Preserves! New to Jumbleberry Fields? Watch this video to learn how to play:



What is your all-time favorite Jumbleberry Fields prize? Let us know in the comment section below…


32 Responses to Look For 6 New Prizes At Jumbleberry Fields!

  1. hungrymonkey says:

    Getting all of these!

  2. ohioruth says:

    The teeter totter is so cute!

  3. bonesbongo says:

    This is off topic just wanted to mention yesterday when I spun the Wheel of Yum Goo Goo Berries and Polarberries were awarded. I had several berries sitting in my dock from last year. I started feeding a few to my pets, the prizes that I got were NEW they are amazing! I must say I think the best prizes yet. It must have happened with the recent update the berry prizes changed, even though Berry Fest is not until later this month. I couldn’t stop I had to feed all the berries I had just to check out the new prizes a few being repeats. I won’t spoil the surprise if you have any of these berries sitting in you dock you may want to feed them to your pets you will be happy you did when you see the NEW prizes they are fantastic. Job well done to the designer. ~ shelkinz67

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