Make the Pet of the Month’s favorite recipe!

The Rooster just loves to wake up to the Bright’n’Early Breakfast – a stack of fluffy pancakes garnished with fresh fruit and drizzled with maple syrup.





What you need:

-          1 cup flour

-          1 tablespoon sugar

-          1 teaspoon baking powder

-          ½ teaspoon baking soda

-          ¼ teaspoon salt

-          1 egg

-          1 cup milk

-          2 tablespoons vegetable oil

-          Fresh fruit

-          Maple syrup

-          An adult assistant to help you with this recipe

What you do:

Spray a griddle with cooking spray and have your assistant heat it over medium heat. In a large bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. In a separate bowl, mix egg, milk and oil. Add milk and egg mixture to dry ingredients and blend well.

With a ladle, pour about a quarter of a cup of mix per pancake onto your griddle. When bubbles start to appear in the top of your pancakes, flip over and brown other side.

Transfer to a plate and serve with your favorite fruit and maple syrup.

46 Responses to Make the Pet of the Month’s favorite recipe!

  1. calin1961 says:

    Hello you.
    Play this game with us

  2. Taylor says:

    Sounds good, I have a rooster, that would just llluuuuuuvvv that tasty idea!!!

  3. victini pokemon says:

    mmmmm yuuuuummmmmyyyyy!

  4. bri6m says:

    sound yummy, im sooooooooooooooo gonna try it!

  5. Sam says:


  6. urcool says:

    i make pancakes alot!! we put the m&m minis in ours cause my mom doesnt like the syrupy mess!! m&m pancakes with peanut butter yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  7. bev1010 says:

    I would love to have that for brekfast! yum! = )

  8. lilspring says:

    I like pancakes sometimes I put strawberry or blueberry or cherry pie filling on top. yum :)

  9. Gringersnap says:

    Wow that looks Yummy!! I want to try it!!
    HuGs AnD kIsSeS,

  10. winpanda says:


    • Moonstar says:

      Oh yah, and I wish they made the Black Lab for the Adventure Park thingy. I am getting one super soon!! ( Ebony. . . ) -Moonstar◙◙◙

    • Webkinz Rocks! says:

      EVERYONE PLEASE READ! I want to post all sorts of cloting machine recipes. It is for people who aren’t on forums or are on forums. It is for everyone. I’ll start.
      Sparkly Silver Pants = Tan suit pants + Sparkly pink bow + Tuxedo shoes
      Cowgirl dress = Cowboy hat + Coyboy shirt + sundress
      Toga = White jeans + KInzville Acadamy Skirt + flip flops\
      Toy Soldier Coat = Dogbeard’s shirt + Mod jacket + Red tennis shoes
      Toy soldier Hat = Dude hat + Party hat + Funky plaid hat
      Tie Dye top = Purple Pajama Top + Blue and Yellow fleece + flower power swimsuit top
      Please help continue this. Thanks.
      |~Webkinz Rocks!~|

    • Chole785± says:

      Unscranble this: IMLLONHT MZANI ASMRETH Good luck, and see ya!

      -Chole785± (and please,I’m still chole785) P.S. If you need hints, just ask.

      • Ash says:

        ( unscrambled) MILLIONTH MAZIN HAMSTER. thats what I think it is. Anyway, I thought that you could make them on webknz world for a contest!

      • SapphireSea says:

        Chole785, I’ve got it! You wrote MILLIONTH MAZIN HAMSTER! Very clever. It took me a minute to figure it out. I might like this recipe IF I actually liked pancakes, which I don’t. I don’t even eat breakfast! I just have a glass of chocolate milk, and that’s it, although sometimes when I am at my Grandparents’ I eat a waffle along with it if they make any, but that is only sometimes.

    • caitlyn18 says:

      thats cool! looks yummy! wish i liked frut ( cinda) ha ha well all of u that see this post i hope you have a good day :) :) you may add me on webkinz if u like my user is caitlyn18 may u add me moon star???
      ~*~ caitlyn ~*~

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