Meet Hailey and Elwin!

Hi! My name is Hailey and my twin brother Elwin and I are thrilled to be writing for Webkinz Newz! We’ll be taking turns blogging each day during the month of May. Why? Because we LOVE design (clothes, interior decorating, you name it!) and it’s May Makeover – hooray! Sometimes we’ll invite experts to come in and share their ideas, other times we’ll be telling you about our own designs.

I tend to like clean, crisp lines and a simple color palette (mostly neutral with some punches of color). Elwin is the exact opposite – he loves a lot of color and pattern.

We hope you like all the awesome stuff we’ve got planned for May Makeover! If you’ve got any questions for Elwin or me, just leave them in the comments section below!

Ciao for now!

284 Responses to Meet Hailey and Elwin!

  1. flowerz18812 says:

    can’t wait

  2. CLEagle says:

    How do you decide what to get rid of in a cluttered room? It’s hard for me to get rid of things because I am a pack rat, and I want to keep EVERYTHING!

  3. tinyturtle says:

    How am I supposed to find your clothes???

  4. cookiiemonster says:

    THiS iS iMPOSSiBLE !!!

  5. Ferntiger says:

    Hi! I love your clothes! I have a sugesion for you! Why dont you make a line of FINE furniture for the Curio Shop? Like fine leather couches, fur ruggs, desiner furniture, and all of that good stuff? I think many people would like it!
    Thanks for listening

  6. Fairyland222 says:

    How do you enter May Makeover Contest? I really want to!

  7. jolene says:

    how do we get the clothes

  8. warrior2011 says:


  9. golfingirl13 says:

    hi Miss Hailey um if i can call you that i am very angry because i get invited to party’s a lot and i never have anytime to go what should i do and by the why i have gotten a piece of clothing i loved it so much and if you can get this to the rest of webkinz world um i would really like it if there was a animal where you by it white and once you put in the code you could you know make it what you want it to look like like um if you get a dog you can make it like black and have a pumpkin on its head you get what i mean Miss Hailey

  10. danielle says:

    i have 2 questions will these clothes be in the clothes store that would be amazing and WHATS THE FOR THE FAIRY PRINCESS OUTFIT I WANT IT SOOOOO BAD!!!

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