Meet the New Deluxe Pet in the Cozy Condo Room!


Did you know that every 1 Year Deluxe Membership comes with an exclusive free pet? And that every Deluxe Monthly Giftbox includes a piece from the exclusive Cozy Condo theme?


From February 1st to 28th you can meet the newest Deluxe pet, the Golden Dalmatian, and check out the amazing Cozy Condo theme in the Cozy Condo Room in the Clubhouse!


Visit the Cozy Condo Room and click on the Golden Dalmatian to get a free chocolate every day! The Dalmatian will be handing out chocolates from Cinnamon’s Chocolate Stand from previous years and you can get one chocolate a day so be sure to visit every day!

2013 to 2018 chocolates

44 Responses to Meet the New Deluxe Pet in the Cozy Condo Room!

  1. hope1122 says:

    im loving the new event! hope1122

  2. forest1 says:

    I’m unable to get a chocolate theirs are 5 pets blocking the host, left the roo 4 times and the same pets are there still blocking the host!!! whats a girl to do ?

    • Immuyuk says:

      Hi forest1! Put your mouse cursor under the block where the Dalmatian is sitting and slowly move it up until the block ‘highlights’ but the name of blocking pets doesn’t come up. I slowly move up until that block lights up but doesn’t reveal the name of any pets blocking the Dalmatian, don’t move any further, and then left click. It’s been working for me… good luck! Happy Valentine’s Day, everybody! – Essie1996

  3. GinnyRainbow says:

    Are any of these chocolates new, or are they from past years? I just got out of the hospital (second time in under a month), and know I missed all but today’s “Meet the Mayor”, but I am not sure if I missed anything else. Thanks.

  4. Elfinlike says:

    I’ve had the same problem that Warden is having [room just freezes, you can't collect, exit, etc - just close down & try again.] I use google chrome browser, Sally.

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      By any chance, is this after you’ve had your browser open for a long time? It sounds a bit like a memory leak. Browsers are notorious for using up system memory. If you think this might apply to you, make sure you quit your browser regularly

  5. Warden says:

    And now, another game that I can’t participate in? As soon as I enter the room, it’s frozen. I can’t move my pet, I can’t exit, nothing. I have to close down webkinz and re-enter. I just don’t understand what is happening?

  6. snuggles565 says:

    the host is being covered up by past webkinz. please fix this issue.

    • Immuyuk says:

      Hi snuggles565, this issue isn’t something that can be fixed, but you can work around it! Put your mouse cursor under the block where the Dalmatian is sitting and slowly move it up until the block ‘highlights’ but the names of blocking pets doesn’t come up. I slowly move up until that block lights up but doesn’t reveal the name of any pets blocking the Dalmatian, don’t move any further, and then left click. It’s been working for me… good luck! Happy Valentine’s Day, everybody! – Essie1996

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