Neigowa Blancetta: Super Chef Recipe Revealed!


Super Chef recipes are some of the hardest to solve in Webkinz World, but now we are revealing another savory secret!


Super Chef recipe foods can only be made in the Clubhouse by using the Super Chef Stove found in Daisy Doe’s diner. These recipes are tough to solve because they are made up of other recipe foods! This is why so many Super Chef recipes remain unsolved. But if you’re lucky enough to either have these recipe foods already in your Dock, or you know how to create them, visit Daisy Doe’s Diner right away!


The first player to create Neigowa Blancetta on a Super Chef Stove will win the Secret Chef Trophy!



Here are the recipe foods you’ll need:


  • Fire & Water Sandwich
  • Mount Snococo
  • Sweet Creola


Combine these together on the Super Chef Stove to create this savory snowman!



Want to know how to make other recipes in Webkinz World? Check out our Secret Recipe archive here.


Have YOU ever tried solving Super Chef recipe? Let us know in the comments below!


161 Responses to Neigowa Blancetta: Super Chef Recipe Revealed!

  1. MisakiKt says:

    Yay! i made the recipe. but i didnt get the trophy. some other person got it before me. :(

  2. Lydia19of13 says:

    The food for the recipe you have to win them. but I think I have them accept the fire and water sandwich. but I don’t have the Super Chef Stove. but the neigowa blancetta is SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!! and the trophy is very cool!

  3. CatHeart says:


  4. CatHeart says:

    Webkinz mobile is the only thing that works. :(

  5. CatHeart says:

    It will not even let me go to the ciro shop of qwizzys! Oh, well. But still, okay, I will try Webkinz mobile

  6. CatHeart says:

    Waiting, Waiting, ITS BEEN 10 SECONDS AND THE CHAIR HAS NOT COME UP YET. Let’s try the arcade

  7. CatHeart says:

    THE GLITCH IS STILL THERE!!! xD I am gonna see if it will let me trade

  8. CatHeart says:

    Okay. I am gonna go on to Webkinz and trade and see if there is no glitch

  9. CatHeart says:

    Guys, there is this really weird Webkinz glitch That can not go away. So, I logged on Webkinz and Most of the stuff in there was gone. I only saw half of my couch! I log out and back in, I even shut my computer off! None worked. Is it just me or are other people having this glitch? ‘Couse now I can not open my mayor cowebelle gift box! And right now I’m trying to get to the adventure park and it just stays as this blue screen! Wait….. Maybe it’s not a glitch! But ganz, please fix this! And, this means no Webkinz today.

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