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659 Responses to #OneWebkinzWorld

  1. CheekyCat says:

    Oh no! Me and my friend forgot to put the banners in!!! UGH!!!!!

  2. montgomery2003 says:

    Wait does that mean u have to do 10,000 videos/photos to get 1 prize if for every one u only get 1 point?

  3. darkmooncat says:

    Who gets the prizes? Is it everyone or just the people who participated?

  4. meandwebkinz says:

    On via instagram, Is PMing @Webkinz count?

  5. abacas says:

    neato… cant wait. yawzhaaaaaaaaaa

  6. JaneOfAllTrades says:

    I finished drawing the banner…. It actually turned out better than I thought! :D

  7. MACS1 says:

    Can I still earn prizes even if I can not participate in any way?

    • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

      Yeah, EVERYONE in webkinz world earns the prizes, even if they didnt participate. Though Im wondering, when do we collect the prizes? please ansswwerrr

  8. MACS1 says:

    Thanks for the opportunity to get involved. I read the first challenge on the update page and my excitement slowly waned as I read. I do not have a camera or a cell phone to take pictures. Also, I do not understand how to upload pictures and post them in the share center here on webkinz newz..

  9. jenniferobbi says:

    Gennnelle Webkinz, Is it possible for some one without any kind of a camera to participate? TY Jennifer

  10. Kamots55 says:

    If I “like” a video on Youtube, how would you know that I “liked” it? How would I get the points?

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