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659 Responses to #OneWebkinzWorld

  1. Berrylybleeny says:

    Hi, what i mean’t though is when you eat marshmallows it becomes sorta like a thick paste and it coats your throat if you eat to many the coating will just get thicker making it harder and harder to breath, if this happens grab a glass of milk or water if that doesn’t help notify an adult or older sibling.

  2. Bluestar3 says:

    I’m not getting the prizes. My account hasn’t gotten any of these prizes, even though I posted videos. Am I not supposed to get them yet, or is it a bug? Thanks, Bluestar3

  3. hopyourbest1 says:

    I’ll be on vacation on the play days, is there still a way that I can get the prizes? I would really love to know.

  4. Bugz7H says:

    If any deluxe members could give Bugz7H a glittering gold or silver dress you will get something in return

  5. alaska267 says:

    If anyone has a webkinz funky neon fro (from Curio Shop) Please let me know! You could send it to me at alaska267, or trade it with me. Username: alaska267

  6. Br0cktree says:

    We got the next level! Great job everyone! I know we can get to the next one too! -BT

  7. winter13579 says:

    yeah 80000

  8. ssc181 says:

    I do have a Google+ account, but I wouldn’t make vids of my Webkinz on youtube. I mean, I would help, but I just can’t. I’m routining for all supporters for this… game! Good luck!!! ~summersept

  9. alaska267 says:

    Wait… Who gets these prizes? Everyone who plays Webkinz, or just those who participate in this event?

  10. JaneOfAllTrades says:

    I wish I could upload videos to youtube! I still have 4 pets that I didn’t upload. for those of you who can upload, please do! 3 points per video is a lot!

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