Podkinz 100!!! Draw winners announced!

UPDATE: Announcing the 3 winners of our random draw who will each receive a rare item – the Bed of the Pharaoh! The randomly selected winners are:




Vieve2012 (updated to correct name!)


Congratulations! Look for a message at the email address associated with your GanzWorld account by end of day, Friday, June 8.


It’s a full studio as Sally and Stephen join Mandy and Michael to reminisce about their first Podkinz, discuss their Webkinz favorites, play a game, AND share a brand new feature coming to Webkinz, as well as 3 FREE codes!


Plus you could be entered into a draw for one of three Beds of the Pharaoh! Between now and June 5 at midnight, tell us YOUR five favorite things in the comments below to be entered in the random draw. One entry per person, please.


Tell us your favorite:

- Webkinz Pet

- Room theme

- Clothing item

- Food

- Arcade Game


Enter the codes at the Code Shop on Webkinz.com. Your Rockerz VIP Backstage Pass will automatically be added to your Dock. Drag the backstage pass into your room to pick a Rockerz themed prize!


Missed the last episode of Podkinz? CLICK HERE to watch to it now!


Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you’ll know when we release new videos!


Send Mandy and Michael your questions and ideas for the show! You can email your ideas to podkinz@ganz.com. Who knows, you may hear Mandy & Michael read your email on their next podkinz episode… and if they do, they’ll email you with a code for a special prize!


451 Responses to Podkinz 100!!! Draw winners announced!

  1. y2qhn says:

    Webkinz pet: dire wolf pup. Room theme: dragon theme. Clothing item: glass slippers. food: pomeradone punch. Arcade game: smoothie moves

  2. KSC says:

    Hi Michael, Mandy, Sally and Steve! Congratulations on reaching Podkinz 100! Another fun episode! Thank you for the prize codes! Much appreciated! Thank you to Moonkey1115 for reminding us to thank everyone working behind the scenes in tech and support. You guys do so much work to keep our beloved Webkinz World running. A VERY BIG thank you to you all!

  3. toriosis says:

    My favorite Webkinz pet in general is the Nightfall Dragon and the nightmare. I don’t have either but i wish I did. But my favorite pet i own is my Pinto horse, Kay-Kay. (I wasn’t sure which one was wanted) I don’t really have a favorite room theme because my favorite room is the tree tops room but I like to decorate with red and black items. My favorite clothing item is the Lady of Fire Dress. My favorite arcade games are Hatch the Dragon and Whimsy Skies. Although i also like Pizza Palace a lot. Sorry I’m not very decisive. lol

  4. Davids1lilpixie says:

    My 2 favorite clothing items were ones put out 2 or 3 years ago and that sincerely wish would be brought back. For one winter season, the Webkinz store sold Fleecy Pajamas and Fleecy style Sleeping Caps to go with them. I loved them SO much I bought literally 2 or 3 dozen in the various colors, red, white and green and sleeping hats as well, but alas, I’m beginning to run out of them and was a bit chagrined that they were not made a regular part of the PJ Collies store. Do wish someone would bring them back, permanently.

  5. Mreeha says:

    Today is the medallion day! YAY!

  6. cluesolover says:

    Webkinz Pet: Nightfall Dragon
    Room Theme: Persian Palace
    Clothing Item: Snowman Toque
    Food: Booksmart Burger
    Arcade Game: Goober’s Atomic Adventure

  7. beaubo says:

    pet-love puppy, room-egyptian, clothing- fairy den dress, food- coconut pineapple smoothie, game- pizza palace.

  8. laurasnake says:

    Congratulations to you all on 100 episodes of Podkinz. Looking forward to the next 100 …

    My favorite
    - Webkinz Pet: Duck
    - Room theme: Webkinz Year 10 Theme
    - Clothing item: Signs Of Spring Dress
    - Food: Cloyin’ Hoipolloi
    - Arcade Game: Goober’s Atomic Adventure

  9. BH1464 says:

    My favorite Webkinz pet is my Chocolate Labrador ‘Darlin’. Favorite room theme is ‘Country’. Favorite clothing item is the ‘Bohemian Tunic’. Favorite food is the ‘Black Forest Cake Sandwich’ and my favorite arcade game is ‘Tile Towers’. Thanks for this opportunity Ganz/Webkinz. Good luck to all who enter.

  10. Hawkie4 says:

    My favorite Webkinz pet is the Arctic Fox! It was the first plushie I ever got and I still have mine, her name is Casey. Room theme is the Winter Wonderland! I have decorated Casey’s room with it so I have some bias towards picking it. Clothing item is the Bright Spies Trench Coat! The red is very bright and colorful. Food is the Cozy Cocoa. It’s the signature snow leopard’s psf and it looks AMAZING. Arcade game is Goober’s Atomic Adventure! I love the score system that allows you to see how your friends did on levels.

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