Podkinz 119: Meet the Artists & Egg Costume Giveaway!


In this episode of Podkinz, artists Mike and Erik stop by to talk about the new Painted Glass room theme that will be release in the W-Shop on May 8. You’ll want to watch the whole episode because at the end, Mandy and Michael give away a code for a free Milk Chocolate Egg costume!



Miss the last episode of Podkinz? CLICK HERE to watch to it now!


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Send Mandy and Michael your questions and ideas for the show! You can email your ideas to podkinz@ganz.com. Who knows, you may hear Mandy & Michael read your email on their next Podkinz episode… and if they do, they’ll email you with a code for a special gift!


44 Responses to Podkinz 119: Meet the Artists & Egg Costume Giveaway!

  1. annm2990 says:

    I LOVE the glass furniture items. That bathtub is gorgeous. Mike and Erik did an amazing job. So glad this theme won the vote.

  2. duckess1 says:

    Nice to know Eric makes new things work. Will the old items ever work again? This design was pretty boring in the beginning but is very nice now with the changes made. Thank you.

  3. Vanillabunnya2 says:

    Hello. I’m currently having issues with some of the Webkinz challenges. The “Keep In Touch” challenge isn’t saying that I did inf act play several games of checkers. This is very frustrating. Also, Webkinz Rally crashes every time I try to run it. I am on a newer computer, completely compatible with Webkinz and using Google Chrome. This is very frustrating, I just want to finish them already! This has been going on for a while now. I’ve tried logging out and in, playing with different pets, etc. No luck so far.

  4. hawk68 says:

    wow the new theme looks awesome. and thanks for the codes too. I don’t think i’m going to enter them though, i already have like 4 or 5 of these in different colors already. Hopefully next Easter there will be a new outfit for us to get instead of the same one over and over and over!

  5. Katz1259 says:

    Another awesome episode!! Thanks for another costume!

  6. grannyjany says:

    I don’t really like the final items. Now they look more like a shiny metal than painted glass. They look more metallic than sparkly jewel tones.

  7. athia_xx says:

    Holy guacamole, the bathtub and kitchen items look really cool. Plus with the epic room divider? I’m so so excited for this theme to be released.

  8. IAMKITTY says:

    Hi! I just want to say how excited I am to get the Kiwi bird! I already got the perfect name too! Teapot. I also have a few other names for anyone who wants some ideas. Cocoa, Fuzzball, Eggbert, MudFeather, and Fluffy. Hope this helps!

  9. janglad62 says:

    Honestly, I love the concept art more than the final items. The final items don’t really look like glass. They don’t have a shine and curved look to them. Also, I’m sad the tub isn’t all yellow, and the final tub doesn’t look as nice. I thought I really loved the painted glass theme, but seeing the final items I don’t as much.

    • janglad62 says:

      I apologize for being so negative, but the final items just weren’t what I expected. They won’t really work well in the rooms I planned using them in. I’m sure I will purchase each item, though, and that they will be used in many cool rooms made by us Webkinz fans.

  10. jammershark says:

    So excited for the painted glass theme to come out!

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