Podkinz Ep 105: Fall Events in Webkinz World!


In this episode of Podkinz, Mandy and Michael check their KinzPost and sneak peek some upcoming fall events happening in Webkinz World. Make sure you watch the whole episode because at the end, Michael and Mandy give away a code for a 2017 Fall Fest Soda prize!



Enter the code for your Fall Fest Soda prize at the Code Shop on Webkinz.com (code expires Nov 30th, 2018).


Missed the last episode of Podkinz? CLICK HERE to watch to it now!


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Send Mandy and Michael your questions and ideas for the show! You can email your ideas to podkinz@ganz.com. Who knows, you may hear Mandy & Michael read your email on their next podkinz episode… and if they do, they’ll email you with a code for a special prize!



84 Responses to Podkinz Ep 105: Fall Events in Webkinz World!

  1. 2manywebbies2count says:

    Great episode of podkinz, thank you for the code. If the Kinzville Academy was going to have a mascot I think that the CHIMPANZEE would be perfect for this.

  2. momno1 says:

    Hey, hey! That was a fun surprise to see my Homecoming room in this episode of Podkinz!!! I’m glad you liked it. It took a really long time gathering all those pets from everywhere in their house and getting them dressed for the big reunion! I wish there were a way to highlight pets in the menu and call them all at once to a particular room.

    • Alphaowlbear says:

      I loved your Homecoming room momno1 – Congrats having it shown. :-) Highlighting pets to collect them to a common room would be an awesome feature.

  3. wilddfire says:

    I think wacky should be our mascot.And thanks Michael & Mandy for the free code. Also as always great episode, I love listening and watching.

  4. ShebaQueen says:

    This is great! Thanks for all the news! Looking forward to the fall events!

  5. EmeraldCity says:

    Teachspecial, when they had the Design a KVA outfit contest, you were also allowed to submit your ideas for a mascot as well and many players did. My suggestion and submission was to have the KVA “Dragons” but in retrospect and for some personal reasons, I think a great mascot would also be the “Longhorns” which a nod to Ms. Cowaline’s animal type. Also, maybe the KVA “Knights” since knights are strong and loyal. :D

  6. passwordn2 says:

    I hope I get the plushies! I have a whole room dedicated to them! I’m sad to see summer go though

  7. tink1706 says:

    I GOT A GOPHER !!!! AWESOME it is goingg into my SWAMP room as a pet to my soon to be pet . Swamps can be lonely you know. But a crock needs a swamp rocket boat . I wish the Dragon fly items from the past were here I would get the air boat for my soon pet.

  8. CocoaBunny says:

    We’ve seen so much of wacky, zingoz, or zangoz in webkinz events that I think it would be interesting to have zacky (from zacky’s quest in the arcade) or a trio of googles (white, pink, and blue) as the school mascots.

  9. Alphaowlbear says:

    Thanks for another entertaining episode! The new Fall Fest items are wonderful – the white mouse and red fox must become part of my plushy collection. I’m so excited for the snow pea and hot pepper seeds and the fence pieces will be a nice addition to many rooms. I’m crossing my fingers for the Peach Tree seeds. :-) Thanks also for the code – I won the roadside stand on one account and creek pieces on my other two accounts – loved getting more of those. Happy Fall Fest everyone!

  10. obvsamermaid says:

    I know sometimes it’s weird when school’s mascots are inanimate objects… but I think the KVA mascot should be the Magic W!! XD And maybe it’s just me but I think Michael is just a *little* excited for those hot pepper growing seeds!!

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