Podkinz Ep. 106: Watch Out for Goblins! Plus a FREE Code!

In today’s Podkinz, Michael and Mandy read some KinzPost and take a look at the new Lil’ Goblins coming to Webkinz World, as well as previewing three options for the new Christmas theme! They also show some of the amazing theater sets that players have submitted to our Share Center contest, and they give away a FREE code for a Classic Movie Studio prize!

Podkinz Ep. 106


Enter the code for your Classic Movie Studio prize at the Code Shop on Webkinz.com.


Missed the last episode of Podkinz? CLICK HERE to watch to it now!


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Send Mandy and Michael your questions and ideas for the show! You can email your ideas to podkinz@ganz.com. Who knows, you may hear Mandy & Michael read your email on their next podkinz episode… and if they do, they’ll email you with a code for a special prize!



64 Responses to Podkinz Ep. 106: Watch Out for Goblins! Plus a FREE Code!

  1. poofmon says:

    Mandy and Michael, thank you so much for the advanced information on the Lil Goblins. I planned to adopt all three of the goblins the moment I saw the preview on the eStore facebook page. I love their designs and colors and how they each have their own distinct traits. Fantastic designs! I was already impatiently counting down the days til September 26… but know knowing about the all the great goblin events planned for October, I’m practically vibrating in my seat. Gosh, but once I adopt the fantastic fellows, how will I survive the wait until October 13th!? I have never been more excited for an in-game event. Thank you so much, Webkinz Team! I’m overflowing with joy!

  2. LovesStaffordshires says:

    THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE MYSTERY BAG. I was shocked to see my username on podkinz. I got the birch leaf cottage, fall picnic bed, natural landscaping boulders, secret treehouse couch & the lazy river ride. I now just need to get the other cottages, the fall time stone wall & the brilliant fall wardrobe, curtains & four of the rug. Those goblins are adorable. I hope I can get several of the different straight creek tiles & at least one each of the goblin plushies. I LOVE all of the christmas theme ideas. If I had to choose one it would probably be the SantaKinz Cottage. On the Ms. Cowaline event I’ve been getting a LOT of the different snow white clothing items. I really wanted to get two of the colorful party mask & cute puppet clothing items. Pittiesrule

  3. kadielle says:

    I got the director pants :(

  4. 50ishwebbies says:

    Way to G0 Watertown, South Dakota!!!! W0WSeRS!!! I am impressed! Such a wonderful creative idea for your Homecoming ~ Great job!!!

  5. ninipon says:

    I’m so ready for Christmas!!!

  6. grannyjany says:

    The Goblin prizes are amazing. I like how they look similar to other existing items, like the pixie dust pouch, creepy creek tiles, green ooze, and the toadstool theme lamp, chair, and trampoline. These new items would look wonderful with the older items.

  7. Mila14 says:

    I love the Christmas Cabin! I hope it wins. Enjoyed the podkinz Michael and Mandy – as always.

  8. hannah5banana says:

    OMG I want them ALL!! They are so adorable!!!

  9. perfect29_backup says:

    I want everything but the food from the goblin floaty clicky, I really like the green ooze from the green goblin clicky because I have the green ooze stuff from Halloween 2013 on my other account. I’m not really sure why I put it in a room marked class(room), but I guess 7 year old me thought that made sense. I guess I was always tired when I played on that account because I mispelled everything on it, even my username (I spelled meow maew), which I do when i’m tired. I think the crafty christmas theme looks cool.

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