Podkinz Ep 159: August Events and Toy Box Giveaway!


In this episode, Mandy and Michael sneak peek some upcoming events and challenge each other to a game of Wacky Zingoz at the Tournament Arena. They also log in to Webkinz Next to sneak peek a new Fortune Teller feature at the Curio Shop! At the end of the show, Mandy and Michael give away a code for a brand new Wacky Zingoz Toy Box.


UPDATE: Currently, there is a glitch with the Wacky Zingoz Toy Box that prevents players from storing items in it. We are aware of the issue and it will be fixed with our next update on August 25.



Miss the last episode of Podkinz? CLICK HERE to watch it now!


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Send Mandy and Michael your questions and ideas for the show! You can email your ideas to podkinz@ganz.com. Who knows, you may hear Mandy & Michael read your email on their next Podkinz episode… and if they do, they’ll email you a code for a special gift!


45 Responses to Podkinz Ep 159: August Events and Toy Box Giveaway!

  1. netge says:

    Can you even buy these outside the US and Canada? I live in the UK and I don’t think they ship here, so I couldn’t play the new Webkinz anyway if I can’t buy pets. Have they realised that yet?

  2. magikal says:

    Does anyone know what goes in the new free wacky zingoz toy box? I have tried toys, clothing, food etc and nothing seems to work. Thanks for your help!

  3. gappytoo says:

    Thank you, Michael and Mandy, for another great Podkinz. I am really looking forward to all the great events in August, especially the Wacky Zingoz Celebration. And thank you for the darling Zingoz Toy Box. Can you tell me what goes in it? I tried clothing, toys and food, but nothing seems to work. Thanks!

  4. Beckinz8 says:

    Thank you Michael and Mandy for another great Podkinz! We love to get the inside scoop on all the new activities in WW. I personally love to watch and hear you guys compete! Congrats this time Mandy! The new Wacky Zingoz Toy Box is beautiful – props to the designers! I have a tiny request – can you please slow down just a bit when you read the code? I can’t write fast enough to keep up, and I have to keep going back over the same section of the Podkinz several times. If I just hit pause, the red bar at the bottom blocks the code. Maybe you can display it at the top of the screen? We really love all the special treats that you lavish on us, and I thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask if you could make a tiny adjustment to make it a little easier. Thanks again for all you do to brighten up our day!

  5. nanamama12 says:

    Seeds, seeds and more seeds!!! Yes, thank you, I will be happy to accept those! Especially seeing as I could use more Red Lettuce and Butternut Squash!

  6. megamom12 says:

    I drank all of my tea watching Podkinz! I need more tea!

  7. megamom12 says:


  8. SugarP says:

    Am I the only one who thinks the new webkinz are a little expensive? I live in Canada which means that it would cost me 37.32 when I convert 29.99 to Canadian dollars. I’m not going to pay 40 dollars for a plush! It’s such a shame because I like the style of the new pets, and I’m even a vegan so I would love to get the cow and the pig!

    • nanamama12 says:

      Wow! I thought that $30. was steep! OUCH!

    • lemony says:

      I was hoping that as a Canadian company they would implement a Canadian site!

    • starbrite1 says:

      Actually it does seem a little expensive for a plush. I remember when signature webkinz were about 20 US dollars. This could be because the stuffies were removed and now ganz is getting back into making some plushies. That is the only reason I can think of to validate it, even with prices going up as usual with inflation. I haven’t bought any new plushes but I am thinking of doing some sewing to make one. There is someone on youtube that they mentioned on here once that shows you how to sew some webkinz! :)

    • EnderZum says:

      I agree that the new pets are way too expensive. The games aren’t worth the price either considering you still have to pay for deluxe to get the full game.

    • miamama says:

      I am also in Canada and the price is too high for me once converted. :(

  9. 50ishwebbies says:

    Lannydoon09 – i absolutely LOVE your drawing! Mandy & Michael – ya’ll came pretty close to that 600 mark in Wacky Zingoz; great job!!!! Thank you for the sweet Wacky Toy Box ~ its adorably designed. Happy (almost) August Kinzville!

  10. lemony says:

    Another great podkinz! Lots of fun for August. With regards to the next rare pets that are made from sparking (the rainbow retriever, unicorn cow etc.) since these rare pets cost 29.99 to purchase and come WITH NO SPARKS :( will the game implement an opt out button? Will there be a disclaimer added that says “these rare limited pets contain no sparks” (seems only fair and legal to add that. ) Thanks

    • 50ishwebbies says:

      (((( lemony )))

    • megamom12 says:

      Not to mention that the steep price for the plush pets is a deterrent for those of us with a limited budget. I didn’t get the cow and most likely won’t get the pig (cry face) because even calculating the fact that you get 2 codes which is nice, seeing as the second one is only a virtual then I’m thinking that it would be more cost effective to buy a gem bundle and adopt the darling pets that are already in the Adoption Center. While the rare ones are nice, and I did get the first 2 plush pets because they are first run, and I did spring for the rare plush baby because it was my first rare, I will be most likely to spend my cash on the gem bundles from now on.

      • starbrite1 says:

        Hello megamom12, as I replied above to a SugarP, if you are crafty and really want some stuffies you could try sewing some! There is someone on youtube that shows you how to do some, can’t remember who but should be easy enough to find some diy webkinz! ;D

    • leaveitnow41s says:

      Wait. What do you mean no sparks? I’m sure they sure do. You have to raise them to adult first

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