Podkinz Ep. 37: Spring Celebration Preview



Hosted by Gennelle Webkinz, this podcast is about all things Webkinz! Each episode has a theme and we chat about everything – favorite pets, awesome items, current and upcoming Webkinz events, and more! For fans who want an inside look at Webkinz World, we also feature interviews with Ganz staffers and put a spotlight on different areas in Webkinz. Most importantly, though, Podkinz is all about YOU. Tell us what you’d like us to talk about in the podcast! There are so many ways to get in touch with us to send us your comments, suggestions and questions:


  • In the comment section under each podcast on WebkinzNewz.com
  • On Facebook or Twitter (remember to hashtag your question/comment/suggestion with #podkinz)
  • By email at podkinz@ganz.com
  • By snail mail:



#043 60 Industrial Parkway

Cheektowaga, NY 14227-9903


Your submission might be read on the show!






…Gennelle and Michael announce a very cool new way to enjoy Webkinz AND chat everything to do with Spring Celebration.


What’s In Our KinzPost?: We read your cute stories about what you love about spring!


Spring Celebration Preview: Hear everything you need to know about this fun event.


What’s Next: It’s Part 1 of 2 of our Webkinz Day MEGA episode! Important: as we approach our 10th anniversary, we really want to hear your stories about why you love Webkinz World and what it means to you! Your letter could be read on the show, so email us at podkinz@ganz.com or comment below!



You can also subscribe to Podkinz on iTunes or listen to episodes on our YouTube channel:


To read Podkinz transcripts or to submit one, click here! Your contributions are much appreciated.

45 Responses to Podkinz Ep. 37: Spring Celebration Preview

  1. webkinzrose says:

    how do you spell that i don’t know!!! you know the store

  2. MEGWEBKINZ says:

    Hi Podkinz! Webkinz means so much to me, and I’m soooo excited for the 10th anniversary! I remember hearing about webkinz for the first time when my cousin introduced it to me about 6 and a half years ago. She showed me her account one day when I went to her house, and I bought my first webkinz, a Poodle, the very next day. Ever since that day in 2008, I have been a devoted Webkinz fan. I have over 140 Webkinz now, and I can’t wait to get more! Webkinz taught me so much because when I started I was only 6! You guys never cease to amaze me with the awesome stuff you do all year, and I can’t wait for more awesome stuff on Webkinz Day! One of my best Webkinz Day memories was about 4 years ago, I think. I had missed every single Webkinz day! I logged in on Webkinz Day but I had no idea what it was! So I looked it up on the Internet and I saw a link after finding what I wanted that I was interested in: Webkinz Newz! It was then that I discovered the magic of Webkinz Newz! And those are my favorite webkinz memories! ~Hug a Pug~

  3. davdoggie says:

    When is webkinz day me and my pets want to celebrate webkinz day!!!! I love you webkinz p.s. Happy 10 anaversary webkinz are awesome ! !!

  4. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Dear Podkinz, the Webkinz 10th anniversary means a lot to me. I’ve been a member since June 2007 when I was just 6 years old, and now, 7 and 1/2 years later, I’m still playing! The Webkinz 10th anniversary means a lot to me because it’s so many amazing memories happened since I joined Webkinz, and this is a celebration where I can reflect on my greatest Webkinz memories. One of my favorite memories is when I got my dog, which was 2 months after I joined Webkinz. I didn’t know what to name her, so I named her after my Webkinz white terrier, Milkshake. Another great memory was when I got my Webkinz Clover puppy. A few years ago, the Webkinz I wanted the most was the Webkinz Love Puppy, but I could never get it because it was too expensive. So, one day my dad went to a store and he came home and gave me a Webkinz Clover puppy to make up for not being able to get the Love Puppy. I was so happy! Even though it wasn’t a Love Puppy, I still enjoyed what I got! Another memory was when I adopted my first pet, Summer the lil’ kinz yorkie! Even though it took place a long time ago, I still remember the day where I made my first Webkinz account and adopted her. There are so many amazing memories that I’ve had, and the 10th anniversary for me is a wonderful time to remember all of the fun I’ve had with Webkinz.

  5. 1a2s3d4 says:

    Can you log onto the webkinz app on Easter to get the gift? If yes, then that’s the only way I can get the gift box.

  6. chattyb says:

    Dear Podkinz, First, thanks for this awesome show! I can’t wait for the Tenth Webkinz day! I’ve been playing Webkinz since I was, hmmm, 5 or 6, and I’m nearly 11. I can’t believe that it’s been ten years since the site started! :0 I can’t wait!!! (wait, I already said that) LOL! I do have a question: Will the Decade Dragon be a plushy? Or just e-store? Thanks again for the awesome show. ~chattyb P.S. PODKINZ ROCKS!!!

  7. oats34WK says:

    yeah gotta love those PodKinz.

  8. xCountryKinz17 says:

    Dear Podkinz, I’m so excited for the 10th anniversary of webkinz this year! I’ve been playing webkinz since fall 2010 when I was 9, so I’ve been collecting and playing webkinz for about 5 years and a half. I will continue playing webkinz for as long as I can. maybe I’ll be 60 years old, and I’ll still be playing! Either way, I’ll make sure that if I ever have kids, I’ll try to pass webkinz on to them! :)

  9. NMKID4527 says:

    Woohoo! I’m really excited about spring now! Hey, this whole thing started today! Yay!

  10. monkeyfun15 says:

    YAY Another Podkinz! :D

    • bepoodlepal says:

      Did i hear that theres going to be a plush in the white eggs only?Nonononononononononononono!!! I collect them. it shouldnt be estore.

    • monkeyfun15 says:

      I wish I could adopt a zingo like Wacky, or Zacky! that would be so amazing!

      • Rarity505 says:

        Dear Pod Kinz, Webkinz means sooooooo much to me I started when I was I started when I was 4 in 2005 now I’m 12 and Webkinz is still the best game on the net! But I have 2 accounts now Because I for got my old password and started a new account a year later my mom found the paper work and now I almost have 50 pets in all. I also got my sister YumSoda and a few of my friends to play:)! Webkinz is still AWESOME but I sorta miss Debbie Dragon and I’m really going to miss DR. Quack. I also really enjoy all the Quests and all the FUN things u can do around Webkinz and as I say (Webkinz is 10 years of AWEASOME :D!) *~Rarity505~*

    • huskylover101 says:


    • WebkinzLover2015 says:

      Hi Podkinz, Gennelle and Matt , I am so exited to celebrate 10th anniversary, I’m in Webkinz from May 2011, I was 9 , and Webkinz was a new whole World for me. First ,I didn’t know how to play, but after some days I discovered amazing things, I started to make new friends, and play in Arcade. Now I’m happier than before I wasn’t on Webkinz I want to say “thank you” to you guys, this couldn’t be possible without all work and passion for create a extraordinary World, Webkinz World , Now I have the best memories . I have 2 accounts , I take care of my sister one, and I hope I’ll get more and more amazing memories with Webkinz. I celebrate all events on Webkinz, like Christmas, St. Patrick Day, and the event list continue….., I love Webkinz and I want to have fun every second and I’ll hope it never disappear. NEVER STOP LOVE WEBKINZ !!!!!!!!! :) :}:)

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