Podkinz Ep 74: Room Theme Concept Drawings and Hockey Jersey Giveaway!


In this episode, Michael and Mandy share some Valentines room designs and sneak peek some concept drawings for an upcoming room theme vote. Stay tuned to the end of the episode where they give away a code for a Blue Hockey Jersey… and don’t forget to leave your ideas for a new room theme in the comments section below!



Send Mandy and Michael your questions and ideas for the show! You can email them to podkinz@ganz.com. Who knows, you may hear Mandy & Michael talk about them on their next podkinz episode!


Miss the last episode? CLICK HERE to listen to it now!


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What room theme would you like to see added to the W-Shop? Let us know by leaving a comment below… Your idea may be included in the vote for the next room, which will be taking place on March 16 right here on Webkinz Newz!


83 Responses to Podkinz Ep 74: Room Theme Concept Drawings and Hockey Jersey Giveaway!

  1. bubbashuka says:

    I love nachokinz’s, waffer9′s, and 50Ishwebbies’ designs! (But all of them are amazing!) And Thank you for the code!!

  2. greenmagic77 says:

    I want the rainbow theme very baddly. i think you should cload beanbag chairs with a rainbow tv, a cload pot with rainbow flower in it , and a cload car that flys with rainbows coming out of it. plus rainbow theme is perfect for st. patties day.

  3. MEG_WEBKINZ says:

    Hey Michael and Mandy; thanks so much for answering my question! It must be so hard picking finalists/winners for contests! But I must say, you do an amazing job! I can’t wait to see the Axolotl in WW! For the room concepts, I personally dont think any of these really stand out. My favorite is probably the Big City Theme but I don’t LOVE any of the 3. For the 4th, here are my suggestions. 1. Amusement Park/ Carnival Theme. Each item can be based off of things you would see at an Amusement park! For example, a Roller Coaster car chair/bed/sofa, Ferris wheel table, etc. 2. I dont have a name for this, but a elements theme would be cool. Everything has to do with the elements (water, fire, earth, and air) basically. So some pieces are made of fire, others of water, maybe furniture made of clouds for air, and leafy, earthy furniture. The chair can even be one of those where when you rotate it, it can be one of the four elements! So one way is air, another is water, etc. Thats pretty much all of the ideas i have for now, but more will probably come to me throughout the week :)

  4. Pokekinz says:

    Hm… I definitely like the Webkinz 3000 and Big City Loft concept art chairs. Lessee… Room theme ideas… Well, maybe a Birthday Theme? The concept could possibly be of the “Birthday Kinz Chair”, where the pet who’s celebrating their birthday is supposed to sit and open gifts and blow out the candles and stuff. And the theme could have it’s own Big Birthday Cake item (not a food :P) that you can interact with to blow out the candles. And guest chairs, a birthday table of sorts, some decorations (like streamers that can go on the wall, and a banner that says “Happy Birthday!”), some placeable gift boxes and bags, including some opened boxes, and maybe an item that plays the famous “Happy Birthday” song. Or how about a Police Station theme? It could have items from inside a Police Station (as the name suggests XD), including some items for the chief’s office (maybe the concept art could be the Police Chief’s Chair?). And a placeable plate of doughnuts and a mug of coffee (perhaps with something on it, like #1 Cop, or the Kinzville PD insignia?) would be cool, too; and the doughnuts would be pretty viable with other room themes (like a café :D). And maybe you could rotate the plates of doughnuts to get different flavors. XD I was also thinking about a Cave room theme… It could have special wallpaper and flooring that makes it look like you’re inside a cave, and stalagmites you can place; and maybe a stalagmite chair? Oh, and special cave crystal items, and maybe bodies of water that look like belong in a cave… Like, with a sort of almost glowing effect on them. And maybe a little moss on the rocks around the water on the item. And a stone archway thing your pet can walk under, and maybe a Rocky Gem Lamp or something… Like, gems that stick out from a rock formation that can light up. And some evidence of people mining or exploring there, like a mine cart with tracks or lighting you can place. Finally, I’d really like a Log Cabin theme. I made a pretty long comment in the Make Suggestions forum a while back for a “Snowy Mountain Cabin” theme, which you can see here (but it is really long :P). Basically it’s a somewhat old-fashioned log cabin theme, which I’d really like.

    • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

      Those are some great ideas, Pokekinz! =] I especially like the cave and birthday ones. It would be really nice to have some decorative gift boxes, and more decorative cakes and colorful balloons! ^-^ The cave one would be really cool, too. A kind of cool grey stoney wall with little crystals and gems sticking out here and there.. that would be neat! Oh and the stone archway, water and crystal things sound really cool. =D Ahh, and the good old days when we could make our comments as long as we wanted.. =P I miss that.

      • Pokekinz says:

        Thanks Emi! I think the stone should probably be some shade of grey, yeah. Especially with the crystal and gem stuff. It should probably be a little darker though, I think, so it kinda seems like the cave might be a little dark, and also so it sets off the bright colors of the gems and crystals more. I’d like the log cabin one the most, because I really, really like log cabins. XD Did you actually read the whole comment? I don’t think there are many people who will. :P Hopefully somebody and Ganz will, though. Or at least skim it. Because I want a log cabin theme. Yeah… What’s up with that, anyway? They never told us why, and there was no warning– our comments just started getting cut off. And we can still make long comments here. It’s just in the forums (which is where people mostly would want to make long comments, for bios and roleplays and stories… Bleh).

        • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

          Yeah, it would be pretty cool if they at least made a wallpaper like that. Oh, really? Haha =P Well, log cabins are pretty neat. Aughh, I know.. I don’t understand why they would do that? The forums should be aloud to have long comments. I mean, I see no point in it. We just take up more space, because we are just going to type our long comments through more posts anyway, lol.

          • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

            Oh, and yeah. I did read all of it, haha. XD I saw “Pokekinz” and was curious as to what your ideas would be.

  5. qeynos says:

    A series of shops ie. shoe store, dress shop, hat shop, optometrist. Where we could store our extra outfits but it looks right as well.

  6. qeynos says:

    A toy store theme could be fun to make.

  7. qeynos says:

    I would like a Bayou theme room for our frogs, snakes and lizards. Lacy moss dripping grey trees, cat tails, maybe an old shack, rowboat that sort of thing.

  8. Beckinz8 says:

    I like the futuristic chair. I can think of a lot of uses for that. My police dog, Sergeant Stormy Shepherd, could use it as a high-tech desk chair in a futuristic crime lab. I can’t wait to see more concept drawings! I’ll have to give the mystery fourth option some more thought.

  9. admtrade says:

    I think that more decorative items would be nice…decorative things and household items …pots, pans and food (both pantry type and plated food), that go on the counters, new counters, folded clothes (to stack in a store, laundry room etc) , tissuebox, a more exercise equipment in different colors or at least neutral colors so the different themes , a scale that pets could step on and instead of a weight come on, a message like positive uplifting affirming phrase(s) “eat healthy…you are great”…pantries and bathrooms for any current themes not having them, printer, a large movie screen that doesnt need to go on a wall (free standing), items going on desks, picture frames for tables, dirty clothes pile for the floor, a craft theme would be amazing…scrapbook table, sewing box,cabinets, scrapbooks, scissors to lay on the table, tape dispenser, etc… a bed that gets made or unmade when a pet approaches it might be fun.. as for the new themes offered, the Webkinz 3000 looks to be interesting and I have hopes for the loft…the rainbow is a thumbs down for me and my fam.

  10. acoolaunt says:

    Loved the rooms shown, great job everyone! Yay, a new wshop room theme coming soon! I vote for webkinz3000. It sounds like it could be fun, and makes me think of the old Jetsons cartoon! Of course it’ll have to have a robot and hoverboard. Future theme ideas… something not pink or purple! Some kind of fun jungle or tropical rain forest theme, with a jungle gym where different furniture pieces could be put together to create something bigger, and vine trees. Or an underwater theme with lots of corals and plants! Something really colorful, with blue water ripple walls.

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