Podkinz Mini – Starlight Sleepover Season!


Dorothy Lou and Sally Webkinz join Mandy and Michael to show off the prizes you can win by playing the new Starlight Sleepover Season on Webkinz Next. At the end of the episode, they give away a code for a Summer Pet Buddy! Which one did you unlock? Let us know in the comment section below…



Miss the last episode of Podkinz? CLICK HERE to watch it now!


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Send Mandy and Michael your questions and ideas for the show! You can email your ideas to podkinz@ganz.com.


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30 Responses to Podkinz Mini – Starlight Sleepover Season!

  1. 1aa2bb3cc says:

    I got all marshmallows on my account, but someone in the above messages mentioned codes from 200 posts and a Podkinz post. Can those codes be available for us to use?

  2. nicetigress says:

    I won 3 Marshmallows and an Ice Pop (one from the other page (200 Comments Post) and from Podkinz, for both of my accounts)!

  3. sambear1 says:

    I think that with so many fans getting the same buddies, what if you make it like the medallions and have to collect tokens so that they can trade them for the buddies that they want?

    • sambear1 says:

      I forgot to say that I think there should only be 1 pet buddy token, and then fans would just need to collect a certain amount to choose any of the common buddies, then a higher amount to choose any of the uncommon buddies and then the highest amount, for the rare buddies. I think that this would be a great. I hope that Webkinz will consider doing something like this.

  4. jr312 says:

    I got the marshmallows for all my accounts as well

  5. buski11 says:

    I received all marshmellows

  6. bubbac4 says:

    I received the marshmellow :{

  7. schuckers says:

    i got 4 ice cream bar

  8. pj1215 says:

    Ganz, it seems that a lot of people are quite frustrated with this random system and would rather be able to have a choice in the pet buddy they receive. So what if you included 3 pet buddies for us to choose from for Santa Kinz bag this year? Would make a lot of people very happy plus be a great gift :)

  9. bren191 says:

    I so appreciate the free summer gift. I got an Ice Pop. How cute is that.

  10. pj1215 says:

    I got all marshmallows in all 5 of my accounts. I guess when they say the others are rare they mean it!

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