Podkinz Video – May Events On Webkinz Classic!


Find out what you can win throughout May on Webkinz Classic, including new potted plants that you can grow in your pet’s room! At the end of the episode, Mandy and Michael give away a code for Growing Gardens Blueberry Seeds!



Miss the last episode of Podkinz? CLICK HERE to watch it now!


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Send Mandy and Michael your questions and ideas for the show! You can email your ideas to podkinz@ganz.com.


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11 Responses to Podkinz Video – May Events On Webkinz Classic!

  1. rici247 says:

    Great episode! I’m a big fan of all things garden-related, so May is always a fun time for me in Webkinz because of all the gardening & plant themes and events! Thanks so much Michael, Mandy, and the Webkinz team! <3

  2. creams2 says:

    Great episode, thank you for the code! Thank you also for the Deluxe week! Unfortunately I was not able to find the Work of Art Shrubbery for sale at the Curio Shop. Have been trying for years. Is there anywhere else to find it? Does anyone have spares? Thank you so much!!!

  3. ngeorgianow says:

    I am very frustrated. I used estore points to complete the Whimsy Dragon arcade unit challenge, hoping to get an arcade unit that could open the game. That was unsuccessful, because the unit only plays an animation. Frustrating but regardless. I have tried repeatedly to beat the game to get the trophy before the deluxe trial runs out, but it keeps freezing, usually at lvl 17 or 18 out of twenty. Besides that, the instructions for the game are incorrect: the max number of lives/tries seems to be 2, not 3. (lives also seem to be point or progress based, not level based, as they can increase mid-level, but that change isn’t negative.) I understand that fixing such issues in the classic game isn’t a priority or even necessarily a possibility (Magic Mire freezing is a known issue, etc), but I’m pretty annoyed.

  4. buski11 says:

    great podkinz

  5. alucard says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the new potted veggies! Thank you so much for making easy for us to get some for our pets. I really love collecting the seeds and dispensers. And I LOVE the new clothing dye, just wish we could get it with KinzCash. I have bought a few bottles from the eStore, but don’t always have the ePoints to do that. The new Karate outfit is nice. Love the idea of possibly letting it be something we can tie dye at some point. Love the furniture in the Flower Collection! So much nicer than the last collection event. Room theme items are always a win-win! Thank you! Could you please create some plain colors (no designs) for the furniture items? Sometimes I need a chair, rug, lamp, curtains, etc, in a solid color. PLEASE consider this! And for KinzCash, too? ;-)…..please?

  6. lemony says:

    Great podkinz and Michael , the artist behind the new room themes, you are very talented. I would love to see a podkinz that gives us an inside look at how long it takes to go from concept design to in game pet/items, for both room themes and pet designs. Also great new ideas for potted plants with Holly Hopper! You guys are keeping classic hopping and fun fun fun

  7. dotarsojat says:

    Thank you for the code!

  8. nicetigress says:

    I love the Karate Dojo idea! Reminds me of The Karate Kid/Cobra Kai. “Strike First. Strike Hard. No Mercy.” – Cobra Kai Dojo Motto.

  9. dixiecup says:

    Thank you Michael for being an artist the Webkinz design team, since you have been making room items, those have been the most artistic and dimensional items we have gotten and I am blown away by your talent (Thanks Mandy and Michael for inviting him to discuss his themes!) I saw the Collection event items and I thought that there was a dimensional aspect we hadn’t quite seen before and now you’re showing us this exquisite Dino Days room from Tigerlili5′s concept and it is just as amazing and beautiful as the Flower Collection set! I am so excited about all of the things going on in May and I have printed out a Calendar because I don’t want to miss a thing! Thanks for the Blueberry Seeds code and the fantastic podcast. I watched it from start to finish!

  10. megamom12 says:

    What a wonderful episode! I love when other creators come on as guests! Michael the Artist has once again, not only made something beautiful, but one that can also work with other themes in order to make larger rooms. I am so very excited about the fact that we will get duplicate items on our NEXT accounts! I need to make some more rooms anyway for some room shuffling, now that I have some new babies. Question, will we only get one set, or will we be able to get a second set when we finish the collection more than once?

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