Red Squirrel Retires!


ATTENTION ALL COLLECTORS: The Red Squirrel is sold out and no more will EVER be made! That means the Carefully Carved Lamppost, this pet’s unique adoption gift, has become a collectors’ item! Plus all Red Squirrel owners who visit Today’s Activities THIS weekend can count sailboats on Saturday and pick up a FREE Red Elm Tree on Sunday!

27 Responses to Red Squirrel Retires!

  1. papidodo says:

    WOW! I just got that for Christmas last year!!!!!!!

  2. gcate7 says:

    my sis has it i ment :]

  3. CountryKinz17 says:

    I am pretty sad this pet is leaving, but when its time to go its time to go. :’)

  4. WebkinzPlushLover says:

    Let’s party!!! You know, I have a lucky Red Squirrel! I adopted her when she was the pet of the month, now she’s retired! So Yay! But its still sad. Oh well! :)

  5. barnowl says:

    no fair! Why do they have to get rid of the cute ones?!

  6. jrflores says:

    Hmm… the Red Squirrel. Never really thought much about it I guess.

  7. gh2002 says:

    noo please don’t

  8. pets021 says:

    such a cute animal (:

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