Say Goodbye to these Jumbleberry Fields Prizes!

Heads up Webkinz Players!


Four Jumbleberry Fields items are set to retire on September 18th! That only gives you 12 days to pick them up!


So make sure you grab these rustic prizes before they’re gone!


Farmer’s Hat

Farmer’s Boots

Jug of Pickleberry Juice

Berry Farm Scarecrow

52 Responses to Say Goodbye to these Jumbleberry Fields Prizes!

  1. SweetieCupcake says:

    so close to finishing my jar and hoping to win one of those prizes!

  2. Webkinzfan3 says:

    I love the scarecrow! Don’t get rid of it please!!! Oh plz webkins why?!? :/ :(

  3. turtlefan56 says:

    sad to see them go but looking forward to new prizes in jumbleberry fields – turtlefan56

  4. silverknux1234 says:

    I better get the Pickleberry Juice before it’s too late! I hope I get them soon!

  5. tntmonton says:

    12 days is not enough time to get even one of these, if your jar isn’t already almost full.

  6. kittygirls13 says:

    its pickleberry RELISH not pickleberry juice! btw im eating a pickle right now :P

  7. firafairy2222 says:

    I’ll be able to trade my sis for on of those, and I have enough time to get the Pickleberry Juice. :)

  8. natalie13 says:

    Great! Will webkinz be adding NEW items to replace them??

  9. StarShine454 says:

    I don’t have any of these. But that’s ok! :) Ganz you need to stop retiring things!! xD

  10. ImaPepper says:

    Oh, no–I don’t have any of these either. It takes so long to fill up the jars. . .

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