Chortletore: Secret Recipe Revealed!


We recently revealed the Super Chef Secret Recipe for Kismarkle, which required 3 different recipe foods to make it. One of those recipes foods was Chortletore, which we are going to reveal to you today!
Here’s how it’s made:


  • Use: Any stove

  •  Ingredients: Carrot Cake, Coconut, Pink Lemonade


Combine these 3 ingredients together to make your pet a light and colorful snack! And now you also know how to make one of the 3 ingredient recipe foods for Kismarkle!


141 Responses to Chortletore: Secret Recipe Revealed!

  1. resolution22 says:

    This food looks so cool! I love all the pretty colors and bubbles I’m going to make it now!

  2. arzi02 says:

    I thought it was already solved!

  3. Glitter37603 says:

    The finished food looks amazing-& I love all the ingredients except for the carrot cake.

  4. kitruthiedolly3 says:

    Wow! Looks like a rainbow colored rasberry!! Ganzworld should reveal some clothing machine recipies!!! BTW, does anyone know the neon tutu recipie?? ;)

    • kitruthiedolly3 says:

      Oops!! I meant raspberry.

      • lalaloopy says:

        I don’t think you can, ’cause I put in the machine a light blue shirt, a light blue skirt, and a pair of white tights. And you know what came out? A purple, red, and orange patched cap came out. One thing, it was UGLY. I really advice you not to try that. It only becomes waste in your dock unless you sell it though.

        • tunkany says:

          I only get pack work clothes how do you get other stuff?

          • Mranda223 says:

            to make a patched denim jacket, u need a purple layered tee, a green layered tee , and jeans! Friend me at puterpea!

          • Simster2014 says:

            What kind of jeans Mranda223?

          • prprprprp says:

            Hi Simster 2014, I know the Patched Denim Jacket and the jeans you need are just called Jeans. They are blue, and have pockets, and can be bought at the Kinzstyle Outlet. I hope this helps.

          • JaneOfAllTrades says:

            @tunkany, I can give you some clothing recipes if you want. Just tell me wwhich one you want to know ad I’ll see if I know it.

        • Ginger0624 says:

          I just put everything I Don’t want and can’t sell or can’t give away into a separate clothes bin… I’ve got a closet as one of my rooms and have all my stuff separated in each bin example: stuff you put on head and face in one… glasses, hats… pants and belts in another… this way I don’t have so many things in my dock. Also it makes it easier to find what I want in my dock and clothes. I’ve also got a room for just storing stuff that I Dorn know what to do with ;) again way easier to find stuff in my dock now.

    • snickerstiger says:

      I’ve been wanting and wanting a clothing recipe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cuz like how do people get these good of clothes!

  5. rcal172 says:

    LOL LOL LOL LOL oh my gosh its here i made it its in my invatory

  6. xhellokitty96 says:

    I thought this recipe was already known???

  7. CountryKinz17 says:

    There bubbles that glow! LOL

  8. Schatzie says:

    I missed the drink thing and now I can’t remember how to make it so thank you Ganz for doing another one! P.S.What do they mean by now you also know how to make one of the 3 ingredient recipe food for kismarkle?

  9. CrazyCooterCantCatchCats says:

    Sweet! it looks atomic-delicous :lol:! sorry for the crummy pun….. but it does look like something that would come from Goober.

  10. Doglove says:

    The ingredients are weird.Pretty recipe.

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