Chortletore: Secret Recipe Revealed!


We recently revealed the Super Chef Secret Recipe for Kismarkle, which required 3 different recipe foods to make it. One of those recipes foods was Chortletore, which we are going to reveal to you today!
Here’s how it’s made:


  • Use: Any stove

  •  Ingredients: Carrot Cake, Coconut, Pink Lemonade


Combine these 3 ingredients together to make your pet a light and colorful snack! And now you also know how to make one of the 3 ingredient recipe foods for Kismarkle!


141 Responses to Chortletore: Secret Recipe Revealed!

  1. ilovewebkinz708 says:

    Eww. It looks like are webkinz will eat the wet orb balls :(

  2. ilovewebkinz708 says:

    I hope they will reveal more recipes soon! ;)

  3. FunnyBunny123 says:

    I just made it! AWESOME!!!

  4. marissa100 says:

    im gonna have to make this, looks so pretty!!

  5. fisher420wk says:

    very nice

  6. sue says:

    I just tried this recipe and it made green gunk why ? is there a specific order

  7. lovepuppy06 says:

    i find this recipe abut some years in Webkinz Insider,but i need neon tutu recipe please :D

  8. JaneOfAllTrades says:

    Cool! Looks Yummy! Like bubbles! :D (I would do a little smiley that licks its lips but I don’t know how,)

  9. lilmonkeydan says:

    do you have to use that stove or any stove?

  10. hunnygracebenner says:

    i will try it and it looks so cool!

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