Sneak Peek: Cinnamon’s Chocolate Stand!


Does your pet have a sweet tooth? From February 7 – 14, visit Cinnamon’s Chocolate Stand at the Kinzville Park and click on it to get a free chocolate!



You can keep track of your chocolates by clicking on the Chocolate Collection icon that is located in the bottom right corner of your screen, while you are visiting the Kinzville Park. If you do not see the Chocolate Collection icon, it is likely that the Garbage Bag icon is covering it. Click on any recycling bin at the Kinzville Park and empty your garbage bag in order to see the icon.



There are six chocolates to collect during this event. Five of the chocolates can be collected from Cinnamon’s Chocolate Stand, but the sixth chocolate can only be found at Webkinz Newz.


Here’s a closer look at each one:



You will need to collect all six chocolates to complete your collection and win the grand prize: Cinnamon Heart Tree Seeds!


These seeds work like any other seeds in Webkinz World. Drag them into you pet’s room to plant your tree and wait several days until it’s ready to harvest! When it’s ready, click on it and a handful of Cinnamon Hearts will be added to your Dock:



If you wait until you have collected all five chocolates before getting your final one from Webkinz Newz, you’ll have to go to the Kinzville Park and click on the Chocolate Collection icon to claim your Grand Prize.


Where are you going to plant your Cinnamon Heart Tree? Let us know in the comment section below!


35 Responses to Sneak Peek: Cinnamon’s Chocolate Stand!

  1. Aye_Breezy1 says:

    The tree is BEAUTIFUL!

  2. gml1939 says:

    Is Cinnamon there only certain times of the day? He wasn’t there when I went to the park. I clicked on the Cho. stand anyhow but nothing happened???

  3. cowtown2 says:

    it is fun love this and the chocolate need i say more, my mouth is watering, o my and that tree love it so much more please more for us, we love these things thanks so much webkinz, and everyone, ganz and newz, thanks Happy valentine’s day to you all you get a piece of chocolate you get one and you get a chocolate, lol

  4. nicetigress says:

    I will plant it by My Garden!!

  5. FuzzyFriends says:

    I can’t wait for it to start!

  6. Ruby09 says:

    I’ve never done this before, but it looks fun!

  7. machaela says:

    Love the seeds!

  8. choover143 says:

    Awesome prize! You guys should do seeds as a prize for a future collectable prize so we have the chance to earn more by asking friends :)

  9. mochidochi says:

    This is so fun! I love Webkinz so much!

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