Sneak Peek: Fall Festival in Webkinz Next!


Fall Festival is returning to Webkinz Next! Starting September 11, 2023, collect leaves in Kinzville to earn beautiful fall prizes.


This year, there are four prizes to collect:


  • Oak Side Table
  • Oak Bench
  • Autumn Stained Glass Window
  • Autumn Stained Glass Divider





Fall Festival runs from September 11-24, 2023 in Webkinz Next.


Which prize are YOU most excited to collect?



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34 Responses to Sneak Peek: Fall Festival in Webkinz Next!

  1. choover143 says:

    Those are fantastic prizes

  2. zekemon2 says:

    I love them all but especially the stained glass items!

  3. rachelgirl192 says:

    The prizes are so cool. How do we get them, are leaves falling, or lying around?

  4. zootzoot says:

    Beautiful items, Hope I can get them all.

  5. grandmaback says:

    Hope the extras can be sold as I’m not a big fan of trading. I love all the new prizes. PS the Friendy Froggy collection arrived on my linked Next account as promised. Big thanks and do it again.

    • BH1464 says:

      Now I’m even more disappointed that I can not log in to play on my Webkinz Next account!

    • gingerdare says:

      Same. I’d much rather simply sell something than trade it.

    • gionfrid says:

      I totally agree. I’m so sick and tired of getting a lot of stuff that I do NOT want and that I can’t sell. I simply don’t understand the decisions that are being made about what can be sold and what cannot–they seem totally random. It has to be very simple for the technical staff to mark things as sellable, especially since so many players are irritated about this issue.

      • alucard says:

        @gionfrid, I agree! I don’t understand why we can trade/sell/send every single VIRTUAL item on Webkinz! We can’t touch the items, only use them on in Webkinz. What does it really matter if we want to trade/sell/send the items we have, including things bought with “epoint” or from the eStore? If I PAY REAL MONEY for a virtual item, shouldn’t I be allowed to trade/sell/send that item? This reasoning of having “Rare” and “Retired” Virtual items seems really odd to me. It doesn’t make sense! I really wish that they would put Rare and Retired items in the WShop for KinzCash, reasonable KinzCash! I honestly think that there are more adults playing this game than children.

        • luckylundy says:

          Or at least give us the option to get rid of it so it just doesn’t sit in our inventory.

        • kidzrock137 says:

          I agree with you on this. Although the trading function makes it easier to give away items, it is extremely time consuming to trade a lot of non-sellable items away. Also, there are probably more adults playing this game than children nowadays because quite a bit of people who are playing it were probably children when they first played Webkinz a while back and Webkinz was a part of their childhood. It’s been over 15 years since Webkinz was first released so it would make sense.

  6. 100dogs says:

    I like the Autumn Stained Glass Window look’s cool

  7. 100dogs says:

    I also wanted to ask about the acorn collection can you do the acorn collection on Webkinz Classic twice or more and the items will also be sent to Webkinz Next as well?

  8. 100dogs says:

    Do the Webkinz Next accounts get deleted if someone does not log on for a long time?

  9. lucylane556 says:

    i hope wn works this time…

  10. crystalfawns53 says:

    I’m the most excited to collect the divider and the stained glass window since they are so beautiful!!!! Nonetheless, I think all of the prizes look amazing and I can’t wait for the event to start!

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