Superstinachew Mega Recipe Revealed!


Requiring 5 ingredients to solve it, the Mega Stove has some of the most difficult Secret Recipes in all of Webkinz World!


Since so many have gone unsolved over the years, we’ve decided to finally put everyone on the right track by solving the combination for the choo-choo-chewy Superstinachew!


Use your Mega Stove (available in the WShop) to combine the following 5 ingredients:


  1. Baked Beans
  2. Mushrooms
  3. Pizza
  4. Tacos
  5. Tomato Soup


Combine them together and you’ll have a sensational steaming snack for your pet!





Because it is still technically unsolved at the time this article was posted, the first player who successfully creates it will win a Secret Chef Trophy!





Want to know MORE Secret Recipes? Check out our Secret Recipe Archive here!


Which Webkinz secret recipe do YOU wish was revealed? Let us know in the comments below!


45 Responses to Superstinachew Mega Recipe Revealed!

  1. ecofriend137 says:

    Dang, wish I could get that trophy for my trophy room

  2. mirforbjs says:

    Wow, people are fast!! I saw this right at midnight, but by the time I logged into Webkinz, bought the stove and ingredients, and made the recipe, it was 12:04 and I did not get the trophy. Missed it by a second probably, lol! :D

    • megamom12 says:

      If this is the time people are getting these, then It’s no wonder that I never get a crack at it! Granny works late and is still in her bed by that time of day!

  3. Springshimmer says:

    Ooh, wow! That looks pretty cool actually! Can’t wait to make this, hehe! ^-^

  4. opal13mlm says:

    Ope, Guess I was a bit too late. . . oh well.

  5. pikachu21 says:

    Oh wow I thought I was gonna miss it and I got it!! I’m so happy!!! ^-^

    • mochidochi says:

      You won the trophy? Congrats!

      • pikachu21 says:

        Yup! Not sure the exact time, but it seems to be that I wasn’t far ahead of some of the other attempts. Someone else tried at 12:04 and I think just NARROWLY missed it lol. Best of luck to y’all the next time they release an unsolved recipe!! I don’t have a Super Stove at home so I was BOOKIN’ IT to the Clubhouse to use the Super Chef Room’s lol

  6. Mila14 says:

    I just made Superstinachew at 12:26 a.m. and didn’t not win the Secret Chef Trophy. Oh well.

  7. Willynuggles8 says:

    I solved it on my mobile app and was not awarded my throphy at 12 01 midnight

  8. snuggles565 says:

    i created it but didnt get trophy. somebody else must have done it…

  9. ArcanineEspeon says:

    You know, it would be really awesome if, after you made a rare recipe, you got told, “You are the #46849 Webkinz user to make this recipe!” so you could see what recipes are better known than others and how close you came to being first!

  10. ArcanineEspeon says:

    I was so close, but I don’t think I made it first…

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