The Lil Otter Pup Meets the Lil Webkinz at eStore!



The Lil Otter Pup was so excited to learn that there are lots of Lil Webkinz available! Lil Webkinz are not available in the WShop, but lots of them can be found at Ganz eStore. In addition to the adorable Lil Fish and Lil Birds that have been available for years, and cute Lil seasonal pets, eStore recently made more virtual Lil Webkinz available for purchase!


Remember, just like a regular pet, these cute Lil Webkinz extend your full membership for a year, and come with the same PSI and PSF as their larger counterparts. But what makes these cute pets special is that they’re Lil! Check out some of the sweet Lil pets you can find at Ganz eStore. Any one of them would make an adorable lil friend for the Lil Otter Pup!


And watch for even more Lil Webkinz to be added to Ganz eStore soon, including:

  • Lil Bull Dog
  • Lil Chicken
  • Lil Hippo
  • Lil Lion
  • Lil Pink Poodle
  • Lil Gold and White Cat
  • Lil Gorilla
  • Lil Polar Bear
  • Lil Tiger
  • Lil Tree Frog


17 Responses to The Lil Otter Pup Meets the Lil Webkinz at eStore!

  1. pineappleinabox says:

    there’s a LIL’ CHICKEN?!

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