The Summer Beaver

The Summer Beaver is one pet that loves to relax! They really enjoy resting in their Warm River Spa while still keeping their cool with a delicious dessert like a Cedar Sundae!

132 Responses to The Summer Beaver

  1. loveleo52 says:

    That beavers spa looks sooooo relaxing.It is also very cute.I just wish the colur of the beaver was purple.

  2. Amarie says:

    I <3 THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I PROMISE I'LL PUT IT TO GOOD USE!!!!!

  3. Madeline says:

    THis pet is so cool I love it i wold tacke care of it

  4. Kya says:

    This pet is ok but I don’t really like the colors. I wouldn’t say I ‘don’t like it’ but its not a pet I would purchase. Over all I would give this pet a 3 out of 10 rating. <3 KYA LYNNE <3

  5. Grelot says:

    Grelot, I love the pet, I’m just not crazy about the color!

  6. panadalover7 says:

    I love beavers

  7. Amarie says:

    OMG LOL That my friend is sooo cute neeed that very much!!

  8. batcal says:

    i like the pet for summer but here is the odd thing i never have seen a pink beaver

  9. noodlemetoo says:

    i want this cute webkinz

  10. Sophie and Nico says:

    this is an awsomea pet.I LOVE IT’S is so cute.

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