The Voting Results Are In!


Michael Webkinz here with the official voting results… The Webkinz Newz community has chosen the Painted Glass room theme as the next theme they’d like to be released in the W-Shop. I wanted to thank everyone who took the time to vote. It wasn’t an easy choice this time around!



The painted Glass room theme will be released in the W-Shop on May 8th, but we will be posting special updates on Webkinz Newz as this theme is being created, allowing you to leave feedback and let us know what you like (or don’t like) about each item. I plan on showing the first set of concepts on March 23rd… stay tuned!


In the meantime, please let us know what type of items you’d like to see included in this theme by leaving a comment below…


120 Responses to The Voting Results Are In!

  1. Kamots55 says:

    Yay! I’m so excited for this!

  2. abbytay123 says:

    I really hope we get some cool windows and rugs! Ooo and i wonder what the fridge or tables would look like!

  3. ItsMePickles says:

    Stained glass window wallpaper and maybe a china closet with some of those antique type glass vases displayed on it.

  4. BadToTheBun says:

    Not the theme I voted for but I’m still excited!

  5. k8spin says:

    i want lamps and rugs. stained glass windows of course

  6. ilovemoonie says:

    Oh, nice!! Painted Glass was the theme that I voted for, so I’m happy that it won! :D I can’t wait to see what the designers do with it…I’m sure it’ll turn out wonderfully! ^-^

  7. kaye10 says:

    …currently in shock–my choice was “chosen!” I always seem to fall in the minority, so yay me & all of us as we will be able to make some awesome décor decisions…soon… best all, k.

    • megamom12 says:

      I’m happy for you! It is fun when the one that you voted for gets chosen! I’m hoping that the Cotton Candy Kitchen will get a second chance like the painted glass one did.

  8. harevister1 says:

    I imagine that this room theme would be good to mix and match with many other room items, as well as pets. I love the Jewel Stone pet colors, so with primary and secondary colors used I would like to see how this theme turns out. If it would be allowed the glass items could really sparkle and have a nice sheen to them. Perhaps a bed, coffee table, wall hanging, shelf, rug, or dining set with chairs would be nice to have.

  9. oudoll2 says:

    I can’t wait to see this set!!

  10. frogwoman09 says:

    how about a rectangle glass table to set a flat tv on. on that note unrelated how about a flat tv that hangs up on the wall since they’re so popular these days

    • MONKEYSMILE05 says:

      Flat wall tv there is one already !!

    • motherk says:

      What’s the point in a new tv when they don’t work?

      • Beckinz8 says:

        Hi ~motherk. I occasionally will pick one up as part of a room design. But I get really frustrated when my pets ask me for a new TV as a pet request. I don’t like to have their happiness meter drop, but I also don’t like being forced into buying something that is broken and will just take up space in my dock. It’s weird when I realize that there are players who have no idea what we are talking about, because they have never known WW working TVs. It has truly been a while. :/

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