Trouble with Games?

Some of you are reporting problems with some games and features not loading properly in Webkinz. We take your comments very seriously and we have been looking into the issues.

Although we are still investigating we have discovered that sometimes these problems occur when members play on Internet Explorer 9. We are currently working on fixing this. In the meantime we suggest that you try playing Webkinz on Firefox or Google Chrome.

37 Responses to Trouble with Games?

  1. jlb5m1 says:

    i love webkinz i have 24 1 only online 4 used and19 stuffed animal and online

  2. powerpokmon2 says:

    Thanks for finally listening

  3. thefruits says:

    I have explorer 10 and windows 8. I cannot get into the employment office games or some of the daily activities. Mostly the spinning wheels. I hope this helps.

  4. ijtomboy says:

    Okay. That makes sense! = )

  5. bones1fan says:

    I tried playing games on Google Chrome and it did not work. D: Thank you for working on this. :D

  6. robin says:

    They are right. Nothing was working for me until I took my browser back down to Explorer 8. Now games are working again.

  7. xotzel says:

    I am having the same problem with Firefox. Adoption center will not load. Is anyone else having this problem?

  8. Puppy2463 says:

    I use a mac computer and safari but I still have problems for loading

  9. webkinz user says:

    Things are loading for me but on some of my accounts I cannot do an hourly because it says there is no activity at this time. My clock is correct and this happens only on 2 out of 15 accounts. Wacky disappears after hitting him a couple times in Wackyer Zingoz. All happen on Chrome and Firefox both. I do not want to try internet explorer and have no other browsers installed.

  10. trevor07 says:

    I use Google Crhome and I was having problems also, but it seems to be fixed now.

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