Updated User Agreement

The Webkinz World User Agreement has been updated. Some of these updates include the changes first announced with this special report published on March 2, 2019.



Please take a moment to review the changes by visiting Webkinz.com and clicking on Privacy & More in the top right corner. Please note the following:


As reported earlier, Webkinz World accounts are no longer being archived. Accounts that have purchased pets, in-game currency or Deluxe memberships may be deleted after 24 months of inactivity. Accounts with no paid activity may be deleted after six months of inactivity.


Players with archived accounts will have until September 30, 2019 to retrieve them. As of October 1, 2019, all remaining accounts in the archive will be deleted. As a result, the usernames associated to these accounts will be available once again to register as new accounts. 


The User Agreement now also explicitly forbids the sale or trade of any and all virtual items, with the exception of the trading of items for items through the in-game system. Virtual items may not be sold for cash, traded for eStore points, or traded for any equivalent service or consideration. Accounts violating these terms may be permanently banned.


Additional changes to the User Agreement can be reviewed directly. Please read our User Agreement regularly, as our Service is continually evolving.

138 Responses to Updated User Agreement

  1. zoomycat says:

    Wow this is going to rile up the traders on Webkinz Facebook, which is not “in-game”.

  2. Marissa76 says:

    I’m a little confused on the paid vs not paid activity levels. If I paid for by pets to create the account in the first place, but no longer have a regular membership does the 24 months rule still apply? So basically if we’ve once been regular members are we protected? Or do we have to keep paying?

  3. emthmt says:

    Will logging in on the mobile app keep your account from being inactive?

  4. Priceless says:

    so does this mean that trading in-game items for estore points isn’t allowed anymore? i know a lot of people who like to trade points for items they are looking for, and I personally feel like they should be allowed to use their points for whatever they want… though i completely agree that trading in-game items for actual money shouldn’t be allowed.

  5. Nerilaith says:

    Is purchasing virtual pets or pet codes on eBay or other online sites forbidden now as well?

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      We do not recommend purchasing an unsealed code, as Adoption Codes are still an important part of your account’s security. This update refers specifically to virtual items.

  6. Resonatingthunder says:

    The selling thing is nothing new- online games have had this agreement for a long time: You don’t actually own (as in, property) the virtual items on your account, therefore you have no right to get real money from other people from them. Further, you should only trade and “sell” your virtual items through the game itself. As for the archive thing, if you still play Webkinz then you still care about your accounts so it should be normal to log into them every few MONTHS. If you don’t, then why complain about losing your accounts if you haven’t bothered to visit them for a few seconds.

    • Girlsacademy says:

      Several years ago, I was serious financial straits. I had no income, no job, no way to get to a job if I could get hired anywhere except by walking and my town does not offer any sort of public transport. I had no friends or family willing or able to assist me in this time, and you what sort of things happen when you can’t afford to pay any bills? You lose things like internet, and water, and heat, and oh yeah, your house. I was actually lucky in that during some of that I was able to access some internet, but it was frequently just impossible. When I did, I checked in on my webkinz. I had enough troubles at that time; yes, had I tried to log on then and found my accounts deleted — my beloved, cherished, very wanted accounts — that would have just been more than I could take, after everything else. What I’m just saying here is that sometimes stuff happens. Huge big stuff, or even just too many ‘small’ stuffs, and you know, sometimes it’s not one bit about “Not bothering” to visit accounts. It’s not freaking able to at all. And yes, it can be for months. Or longer.

  7. CheekyCat says:

    i don’t get why webkinz keeps doing things that players specifically don’t want. :/

  8. cocoa603 says:

    So as long as i log on quite a lot i don’t have to worry about re activating my account?

  9. Malibu says:

    I am confused by what “trade for any and all virtual items” means. Are you talking about e-store tradeable items? Also, can we still gift e-store points?

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      Any items. This includes eStore tradeable items. Items can only be traded for items. You can gift points if you choose, but you cannot trade items for points.

  10. AmazingHalls says:

    Could we still trade pet codes for other pet codes?? Many of us can’t afford to buy pets or points.. I guess many players will quit.

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