Visit the Magic Pond on Newz! March 6 – 17



The House Mouse was exploring the woods around Webkinz Classic when it came across a Leprechaun near this cute pond. The Leprechaun ran away but when the mouse approached this pond it discovered that the Leprechaun had dropped some magical dust, turning it into a magical pond!


For a short time, from March 6 to 17, this pond right here on Webkinz Newz is giving out a prize! Click on the pond in the image above to have one of the following prizes added to your Webkinz Classic account:



But the magic wears off after St. Patrick’s Day and it turns back into a regular pond, so be sure to visit Webkinz Newz every day to get your prize!

30 Responses to Visit the Magic Pond on Newz! March 6 – 17

  1. megamom12 says:

    I LOVE this event!

  2. zootzoot says:

    is this a new wallpaper?

  3. Gladysomega says:

    Wasn’t Deluxe Preview supposed to start today?

  4. emster7 says:

    This is so cool! Can’t wait to see which one I got today!

  5. Gladysomega says:

    Thank you for this fun activity, but wasn’t Deluxe Preview supposed to start today? I was disappointed that it didn’t seem to register this morning.

    • Michael Webkinz says:

      Hi Glasysomega. The Deluxe preview has officially started! Log in to your Webkinz Classic account to start playing…

      • Gladysomega says:

        Thank you, Michael. I’m trying to complete the Deluxe challenge during the preview. I have to remember to spring the deluxe Wheel of a Wishes every day of the free trial.

  6. Morninglight says:

    cute room

  7. ILOVEWEBKINZ1234567892374 says:

    thank you for the 500 kinzcash coin

  8. leaveitnow41s says:

    yay! fun stuff!

  9. 7debbie7 says:

    What Fun…Thanks Ganz!

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