Vote For Dex Dangerous!



Friends, fans, citizens of Kinzville: Yours truly here… The one, the only… Dex Dangerous! Yes I am, once again, running for mayor of Kinzville.


You may be asking yourself: What am I looking for in a leader? Good looks? CHECK! A great role model? CHECK! Someone who is willing to do whatever it takes to remain in the spotlight? Hello??? CHECK! My career is at a point right now that I can devote most of my time to being the best leader Kinzville has ever had!


Think of it… what could we all use right about now? More cool stuff of course! That is why, if you elect me as mayor, I will bump up your free daily SPREE rolls from 1 a day to 3 a day. Imagine how fast you’ll make it to the mall now! Light speed ahead my friends! Not to mention, think of all the great Dex Dangerous merch you’ll be able to collect when I appear in the Kinzville Park as your new mayor.


Let’s move forward together, along the road to becoming the best Kinzville we can be… and why not pick up some cool stuff along the way? This is my third time running for mayor, so you should all see that I’m ready for my starring role!


Come show your support by visiting me in the Kinzville Park. I’ll be there until November 18th and I have some great memorabilia to hand out!



177 Responses to Vote For Dex Dangerous!

  1. perfect29_backup says:

    Although 3 a day would be cool, I already barely have time to go onto webkinz, so usually whenever I have time to play spree I have at least 3 rolls to use. And Dex is too vain, like Davenport from lab rats.

  2. Powerann says:

    Well, so far it’s a lukewarm ‘MAYBE’ for Sophie, and a definite ‘NO’ for Dex. Let’s hope that PJ or Dr. Quack can do better……..

  3. 1Emerald1 says:

    Dex, Dex, you haven’t changed a bit! Tell you what, if you can promise to add a “disappear your room doors” feature to our accounts, I will totally vote for you!

  4. diamondgem12345 says:

    If anyone has a cap, plushie, or sign from Sophie’s campaign, could you send it to me? My username is diamondgem12345 and I didn’t have the chance to go see her in the park to get her campaign merch. I’d really appreciate any campaign merch of hers that you could send me!

  5. Kraft says:

    pfft this is such a pathetic campaign compared to Sophie’s tbh, really hope the others are better than this though I don’t doubt it since Dex’s campaigns are always more of a joke lol

    • diamondgem12345 says:

      Sophie’s campaign is so much better. Dex’s offer of extra spree rolls are nice, but can’t compare to what Sophie offers. But like you said, his campaign is more funny than serious, so the only way he’d win is if people voted for him ironically.

      • LeoGrimm says:

        I disagree. I think Mayor Quack is a joke (He’s a quack-doctor) and Dex isn’t any more ridiculous than he is. I didn’t care about the “miracle tonic” at all. Spree isn’t my favorite, but I do like it. Dex is not my least favorite choice.

        • Kraft says:

          Miracle tonic isn’t really that useful, to me at least, but Dr Quack had nostalgia backing him. We didn’t know if we’d see much of him if he didn’t win, so his campaign was second to his character. Whereas Dex Dangerous is a boring, self-centered celebrity character.

  6. annm2990 says:

    3 spree rolls is good, but I wouldn’t spend my money on Dex merchandise. The mall would have to bring out something super duper to make me want to shop there more.

    • diamondgem12345 says:

      Yeah, Dex merchandise is a waste of money in my opinion and I’ve always sold the Dex posters and things that I get on Webkinz for free. The mall doesn’t have enough things that I want for me to want to vote for him.

  7. megamom12 says:

    Dex, darling, this is not a starring role it’s a civic duty! Sorry, sweetie but the answer is again no.

  8. seevey3 says:

    This is off subject but, who thanks we should be able to trade medallions in the trading room?

  9. snuglilbug says:

    Did anyone get an extra Sophie plushy? I mainly just got the signs and her caps:\ My username is slicedpeaches77 if someone could send me the extra plushy, that would be amazing!

    • megamom12 says:

      So many signs!

    • prymanmn says:

      I just sent you a friend request, prymanmn, accept it and let me know and I can send you one. I got so many of them on 3 accounts!!!

      • glloyd1316 says:

        is there any way you could give me one too?

      • 101WILLSTER says:

        Hi prymanmn, I would love a Sophie Plush if you still have any extras. I got 4 caps and 1 sign. I also need a Mandy Webkinz KC Coin if you have any extras of those and one of my family members, 99Milkbones also needs both items. I’m Willster101 on WW and my family members are 99Milkbones, and TOBY51007. Please send us friend requests if you’d like more WW friends.

    • dezibun says:

      I have a Sophie plush if you still need it.

    • jjfnly says:

      Same here! I logged in every day and never got anything other than the signs. :/

    • snuglilbug says:

      Oh my goodness! I logged into webkinz after a long day, and I had several friend requests and I thought, what is going on!? Then I remembered I had asked if anyone had an extra plushy to send and my heart just melted. Our webkinz community is so sweet and it’s amazing to be able to communicate on here and support one another! A million thanks to everyone! My plushy room keeps growing, I love it so much! I will try to send something in return, thanks again to everyone who sent me a friend request! :D

  10. Silverwolf_Productions says:

    PJ COLLIE 4 DA WIN! sorry Dex

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