Vote Now!



We need your help to pick a new Halloween room theme! I hope you have looked over each concept drawing carefully (CLICK HERE to see them again). The room theme that receives the most amount of votes will be released in the W Shop on October 1st.


*Voting has now ended. CLICK HERE to see the winning theme…


41 Responses to Vote Now!

  1. webkinzlover506 says:

    Go Cauldron Cafe!!!!!!!!!! :D

  2. Twistersmom says:

    This is so hard, I like them all. I would use every one of these to decorate.

  3. Pokemom says:

    Very excited for ANY of themes are always such a TREAT! :D

  4. webkinzwizard02 says:

    I think Trick or Treat Street would be so fun! It would be so much fun dressing up my Webkinz in all the cool costumes I collected over the years and having them go door to door trick or treating!

  5. Roxy616 says:

    Trick or Treat Street

  6. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    Go Glampire! =)

  7. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    Go Glampire! ^-^

  8. frogmom says:

    so torn now! My first thought was glampire, because I thought the cafe too decrepit. A lot of other people said the same things about the cafe, so ganz will probably clean it up. Oh well, they all look like nice choices this year, so I don’t suppose I can go wrong. Happy Halloween!

  9. tkkac says:

    I think this one will be close between all three. I voted for the Glampire theme.

  10. webkinz0704 says:

    Cauldron Cafe For The Win!!!!!!!!! :D

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