Webkinz Close Up: Art Deco Theme!


When Arte Fact was elected Mayor of Kinzville, he promised to bring a new rare theme into the Curio Shop. After the recent update on February 12, 2025, Mayor Arte announced that the NEW Art Deco room theme had been added to the pool of random rare items at the Curio Shop!


You can read more about Mayor Arte’s Art Deco announcement here.


Here’s a closer look at all 12 of these cool new rare items which you can try to collect!















Have YOU collected any Art Deco item yet? Let us know in the comments below!



(REMEMBER: No Trading Requests in the comments. However, you can request trades in our Trading Forums)




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33 Responses to Webkinz Close Up: Art Deco Theme!

  1. equinegirl02 says:

    I can’t wait until they finally show up in his shop!

  2. bman4 says:

    No, I haven’t seen any pieces of the new theme. I have been looking every day for the last week.

  3. dramaprincess05 says:

    Hopefully the art deco items will be in Arte’s shop soon

  4. ndtractorboy05 says:

    I have not seen any of these in the curio shop. Do plan to buy most of them. Hope that Arte fullfills his promises soon.

  5. mrgower says:

    LOVE IT. It’s beautifully designed! Thanks for the new theme!

  6. lemony says:

    HI team, are you sure this has been added to the mix? I get it’s a rare theme but never to be seen since the update, is just ODD!

    • sally says:

      It’s not that odd. There are 161 rare items, the rares of the day are picked randomly, and it’s only been a bit over a week. Some players have already received some of the items as the bonus gift in adoptions.

      • lemony says:

        Yes, just saw the post about winning in an adoption box. ODD to me is that it’s a curio theme that was announced WAY before maintenance and assumed it would be added into the mix already. 161 items sounds like alot but since they change every hour, the new theme should have made an appearance by now :)

        • sally says:

          No, it was added with the February release. It’s only been in the system since last Wednesday, so it’s only been a possibility since Thursday. Items may change every hour but you don’t get a rare item every hour. At most you’ll see 3 or 4 in a day.

      • kalcan8 says:

        161 RARE ITEMS!?! Whoa. The odds of being able to collect one of each of these new pieces from the Curio Shop are not in our favor. Are old adoption gift boxes updated with these new items? If so, I see a LOT of gift boxes being opened in the near future. LOL!

  7. zeusfist says:

    Off topic. I sent a request to Webkinz Support about the in the “Enjoy the Good Life” challenge. (The first item is “dress your pet in a sweater”. At first I thought it might not be recognizing the sweaters won in seasons or the yarn ball search so I bought one from the WShop but that isn’t working either. Is there a particular sweater I should be using?) In the past I’ve received a message with a ticket number. I didn’t this time. I don’t want to clog the queue but if I didn’t get a “request received” message should I resubmit. Thanks.

    • sally says:

      Try putting on one of the sweaters you earned from completing the previous challenge

      • zeusfist says:

        Thanks for the tip Sally. Once I started working on the Seasons, I’ve left the Challenges for “off” days. The Challenges have been so helpful, it was surprising to not have more specific info. These old gray cells don’t remember what sweater was awarded so it was a put on/take off for many of my sweaters until I happened upon the “dark fair isle sweater” LOL. Again many thanks for steering me in the right direction!

  8. 7debbie7 says:

    So Pretty…Can’t Wait To Start Collecting! Thanks Ganz.

  9. wingsfan65 says:

    Oh my gosh, those are *all* lovely. Well done, Webkinz designers….well done!!

  10. raggedyann1968 says:

    I’m looking forward to finding these items–so far nothing.

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