Webkinz Newz Week Starts Today!


Celebrate Webkinz Newz in Webkinz World! From April 16 – 22, log into Webkinz World for special Newz themed prizes and events. You’ll even have to chance to meet a member of the Webkinz Newz Team!


Click on a button below to learn more:



What’s your favorite part of Webkinz Newz week? Let us know by leaving a comment below…


159 Responses to Webkinz Newz Week Starts Today!

  1. Helenka says:

    I just rec poster from Michael Thank u so much U must be tired.

  2. Helenka says:

    I saw Steve in the reading room woo hoo I did not get a signed poster but will try and go to the news room and wait for awhile

  3. puppies4me says:

    OK now! That was thoroghly disappointing! I just saw Steve Webkinz in the Reading Room and kept trying to get his attention for a while, then he left at 3:15! WHAT? >{^;^}<

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      We’re starting to switch rooms after the friend requests stop, so that more people have a chance to find us. Only 10 people can fit in a room at a time, so if people don’t leave, we have to :)

      • beaubo says:

        thank you, I still need to find you!

      • MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

        Ohhh, okay. I’m going to be playing Kelly Sheridan, my chocolate lab today, and shes wearing b&w sneakers, a purple trench coat, an egg hairband, and pink coral glasses. I can’t wait to see you! Oh, and after I see you(IF), how do I get your poster? Do we go to the WKN room and go there and click on Ella or what?

      • puppies4me says:

        Oh, I understand. How do we get you to notice us? I sat down right beside Steve and said “Nice to see you”, but he didn’t respond. (“Marmelade”, Ginger Cat in the purple and orange plaid cap and jacket from a few years ago with the new skinny cords.) But, I will try again tomorrow. I think I actually have the scheduled times for all of you available! OH! You sent me a signed poster on one of my other accounts! Thank you so much. So, We’re good! I wanted to send you a thank you through Kinzpost, but you’re name wouldn’t come up on my friends list. Does that mean we can only be friends to get a poster? Anyway, I probably won’t go in to meet you, since I have your signed poster through the other account and I want to give other players a chance of getting to see you. Have fun meeting your fans! >{^;^}<

        • Sally Webkinz says:

          You’ll have to make sure that you turn on Friend Invites. Click on the “Webkinz in Room” drop down and turn it on. Then you can add Steve as a friend the next time you see him. I’ve been deleting people from my list after sending to make room for more :)

          • blazensunshine says:

            Sally This feature is not working for my account? I have tried to add Mandee and Michael when I was “Lucky” enough to find them and the add button is shaded and won’t work (the color is dull looking) after clicking on the name in clubhouse

          • blazensunshine says:

            With invites “ON”

  4. Fred04 says:

    thanks so much Sally for my signed picture. freddie1904

  5. machaela says:

    My friends list will not let me add names. It says it is full but reads 195/500. What should I do??

    • AnimalGirl1991 says:

      machaela, I am having the same problem you are. It keeps telling me my friend list is full too and its not anywhere near to being full, so if you find out what the issue is I’d like t know too so we can start adding the newz team. :)

      • machaela says:

        Glad to know someone is having the same problem. Sorry for you too. I have no list of friends names when phone is turned on – do you? I only have the “add” space.

  6. TIN333 says:

    Thank you Michael!

  7. machaela says:

    Thanks for the names Michael. I have waited at the right time in the right room for two days and not seen any of you. At least now I can add you and Steve. Thx

  8. Helenka says:

    I have tried several times to add Steve !!!!!NO LUCK

  9. Michael Webkinz says:

    Hey guys, I set up a special account for sending posters through KinzPost. Send a Friend Request to michaelwebkinzganz and I’ll add you to my list. Then, I’ll send everyone a signed poster at the end of the week… Also, feel free to send Steve a Frend Request to stevewebkinzganz.

    • masmirf says:

      Michael, thank you so much! It has been impossible for many to do this. Please ask Steve if he would please do the same thing. Thank you again!

    • Michael Webkinz says:

      Wow… the requests are pouring in! Shout out to 3luckey, ICraftAndPlay, Arbor, angelgirl, Bevy, juju, IDANA, kubel… :P

      • memerdman says:

        Some of us have tried so many versions of your name that now our friend requests are at 8 and we are no longer able to send any more. I sent to michaelwebkinz and it says it is pending but I am unable to send to the michaelwebkinzganz because my 8 pending ones have not been answered. Now what?

      • Beckinz8 says:

        Hi Michael! You are VERY popular!! Thank you for accepting my friend request! I’m ~kalcan8 in WW. If Mandy wouldn’t mind, could you ask her if she would be willing to share her name too so we can send her a friend request. (Unless she is too shy.) ;) Sally and Mandy are the two hosts that I have left to meet. Hopefully I will catch them before the week is over! You will all need a vacation after this! LOL XD

    • WeeBonnieMissMaggie says:

      Is there also a special account for Mandy and Sally?

    • ilovemoonie says:

      Thank you so much, Michael!! :D I really appreciate you telling us your usernames! I will be sure to friend you and Steve on Webkinz later today. Thanks again!

    • TaffyKitty12 says:

      Aw, it’s so sweet of you to do that for us, Michael Webkinz! :) I’ve had a hard time finding you all the past few days (I’ve only found Sally thus far, but for some reason, I haven’t been able to find her username on my friends list even though I know she added me), and due to my plethora of schoolwork, I know it’ll be hard for me to get on the rest of this week. I’ll certainly friend both you and Steve on your accounts! Thank you so much… the Webkinz Newz team is truly wonderful to us players! ;)

      • TaffyKitty12 says:

        Thanks a ton for accepting my friend request, Michael Webkinz! ^-^ I really appreciate it! :D Out of courtesy for the other players, I only sent you a request from my first account, bbdoll11 (I have three other accounts, one of which I use pretty frequently, but I wanted to make sure that other members had the chance to friend you, too :) ) Thanks again! ;) I’ve always been a big fan, so it’s awesome that you’re now my friend on Webkinz!

    • TropicalGirl says:

      Oh my gosh, Michael, that is soooo nice of you, thank you very much! You must feel like a rock star by now! :)

    • ginnylea says:

      I found chart with days, hours and rooms BUT have been unable to find. Are the hours listed EST?????

      • TaffyKitty12 says:

        Hello, ginnylea! Yep, the hours listed are in EST (since Ganz headquarters are in New York and eastern Canada) I myself am on Central Standard Time (CST), so I have to make sure I convert the times listed to that of my own time zone (ex. instead of 3- 3:30, it would be 2-2:30) I wish you the best of luck with finding the Webkinz Newz staff! They are pretty hard to get to, but (after much searching), I was able to find Sally on Monday, and I miraculously found and traded with Mandy a little earlier. I hope you can meet them and get the posters, too!

    • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

      Thank you, Michael, that’s very kind! =] I’ll try to add you soon. I just hope your list doesn’t fill up before I get to it, eheh. Hopefully I’ll be able to “meet” you and the other hosts! I haven’t looked the last few days out of forgetfulness, but I’ll try to find ya today! (And just so you recognize me, I’ll probably be using Candy my Jellybean Pup! ;D)

    • ledbetter35 says:

      Great to meet you! Took 3 days but that’s ok. It was fun. Looking forward to getting my poster at the end of the week :)

  10. Mummabean says:

    Well, I haven’t found them. Never in the room when they are supposed to be. I have tried at other times, just in case, no luck!

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