Webkinz Winterfest Prizes!

January is the month to look to floating snowflakes in Webkinz World with Winterfest! Here’s a look back at the many fantastic frosty prizes that players have enjoyed over the years!


This year, Winterfest runs from January 10th to the 19th. Check out some of the new prizes you may win, along with a few returning favorites!

103 Responses to Webkinz Winterfest Prizes!

  1. onedirection130 says:

    i want the slippers

  2. webkinzqueen says:

    I love new winterfest prizes for this year.And the old prizes are neat.I will get a chance to win some of old ones.Because join in 2009.I didnt knew about this web site until a couple years later on.

  3. casey1019 says:

    hey guys add me casey1019 i need more people who play a lot

  4. jesuslovesmeandyou2 says:

    I like the Darling Winter Coat missing the potted ice flower. If you don’t want the potted ice flower plant I’ll take it the username is jesuslovesmeandyou2 I’ll friend for awhile just reply.

  5. legodude says:

    I can’t wait. I want a lot of the candles especially but LOVE them all.

  6. MidnightFireflies15 says:

    cool! love the new prizes! cant wait til winter fest!

  7. Galaya says:

    love the coat ganz! Thanks art team!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. JaneOfAllTrades says:

    Anyone have the polar plunge poster up or trade? I have a bunch of stuff up for trade including the WILD WATERMELON TEE and 14 different pet specific food.

  9. 6piggy6 says:

    Hi, would anyone be able to send me the Christmas Caroler Gazebo? I would greatly appreciate it if anyone would send it to me through kinzpost, I promise to send you kinzcash or items in return. My username is piggysix. Thank you :)

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