Win Great Prizes During the GanzWorld Moneyz Extravaganza!


Attention Webkinz Players!


This week you can win MORE MONEYZ on GanzWorld than ever before!


There are even new Webkinz prizes from eStore just for the week! Many great Amazing World prizes are available too!


To win Moneyz on GanzWorld, you can: read articles, play any event in GanzWorld (floaty clicky, click to win, treasure hunt, peek-a-newz), answer quizzes, polls, and surveys, and play in the Arcade!


The GanzWorld Moneyz ExtravaGANZa runs from July 23rd, 2013 at 12pm EST to July 30th, 2013 at 12pm EST! That’s a full week to win great new Rewards.


You need a GanzWorld account to collect Moneyz, so if you don’t have one yet then click join in the blue bar in top right hand corner of your screen!


Click the image below to find out what prizes you can earn and learn more about GanzWorld Rewards!



53 Responses to Win Great Prizes During the GanzWorld Moneyz Extravaganza!

  1. sare678mno says:


  2. Hunnypoo128 says:

    This is awesome!! Do the new prizes go away after this event is done? Or do they get to stay?

  3. Pinkl97 says:

    We can earn 1,000 a day. I click on the ads and play the arcade games. Thank you Ganz for the Pink Dress, Digital Camera, Beach Set, and now I’m going after the sequin shirt and Monkey Hoodie. This has been really fun!

  4. cowtown says:

    thank you ganz for these great items, can you please keep them for a while, cause it is still not easy to get one of each, to much money we can only earn a thousand a day and the items are to high, please extent this or can you lower the price just a little thanks. love the items keep them for a while please.

  5. petsaregeat says:

    pinkyangelgirl1 its under the adoption center

  6. rach1794 says:

    It would be nice if when we sign in (so we can collect moneyz in webkinznewz) if we could indicate if we wanted to login each time we win a prize that way people with only one account don’t have to login each time but those of us who play for kids could click on the floatys, ads, etc and get a login screen. Right now if the lamp floaty appears twice before the jam jar and I’m logged in I can only click on the lamp once or I get a “game expired” message so I tend not to log in so I get the game login screen so I can “award” each of my kids a prize if I see it twice. But then I can’t accumulate any Moneyz.

  7. ImaPepper says:

    Lots of map items. . . don’t think I’ll get them because it takes too long to load the map. Does anyone know if any of the plants are room items? Or are they all for the map?

  8. KASSUZY says:

    O.K. is the word. Sort of cool.

  9. gchanceb says:

    reply if you love webkinz

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