Sneak Peek: Halloween Costumes!


From September 30th – Nov 10th, head to the KinzStyle Outlet to pick up the NEW Aztec Queen and Football Pro (Blue Team) costumes! Also available at the outlet are the Dark Queen and Firefighter costumes, back this year by popular demand!


Looking for last year’s Boy and Girl Gnome costumes? This year they’re ONLY available from the W-Shop on Webkinz Mobile. You’ll find them in the Mobile Zone section of the shop. The Webkinz Mobile Pet app is now available for FREE on iTunes* … and on the Google Play Store**.



Want some more costumes to add to your collection? From October 20th – 31st, look for the floating Jack-O-Lantern in Webkinz World and click on it to win a piece of clothing from one of the following 3 costumes, including the NEW  Football Pro (Red Team) costume (limited to 5 costumes pieces per acocunt, per day):



Which costumes are you looking forward to getting the most? Do you have an all time favorite? Please leave your comments below…



54 Responses to Sneak Peek: Halloween Costumes!

  1. ImaPepper says:

    I want all the new ones–love the Aztec Queen, and I’m definitely going to stage a football game if I get enough of the red costume pieces. It’ll be a Halloween face-off (ooh, now that would be really creepy if you could do that! Think: ‘Sup Guy mask……}

  2. butrym5 says:

    I like all the costumes. I hope that they are available for ALL to enjoy instead of keeping it exclusive.

  3. doingmydailies says:

    OMG!!!!! The costumes this year are awesome. I love the Aztec Queen costume. It’s so bright and feathery. I think the shoes could totally work with a casual outfit. They’re so cute. I love the Dark Queen costume so I’m so happy it’s back!!! The Viking Princess costume is so pretty!!!! I am so ready to click on the floating Jack-O-Lanterns. Yay for costumes!!!! I love to dress my pets and costumes are the funest things to dress them in. I’m so excited!!!!

  4. AMC10pet says:

    I LOOOOOVE the red and blue football pro costumes!!!! Amazing!!!

  5. roosteelflash says:

    I just redecorated my football/cheerleading room and wanted a football uniform for my pets. Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!

  6. GalaxyGal11 says:

    OMG EPIC AZTEC QUEEN!!!! Can u get it with a Kinzstyle outlet bag u get from putting clothes codes in?

  7. Cherrycheesecake says:

    I love all of these. The robot and Aztec queen especially!

  8. barb539 says:

    I love them all! WOW!

  9. puffapuffle2 says:


  10. 1954tiny0112 says:

    Where which ones are Dekuxe I don’t see deluxe :/

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